PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for OGEF6217
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      Subtree rooted at node 86:

                                                                    /----- Vang07g06530.1 [Vigna angularis]                                (2)
                                                          |         \----- Phvul.002G160100.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris]                         (36)
                                               /----100---+         /----- Glyma.11G021200.1.p [Glycine max]                               (9)
                                               |          |    /-100+                 
                                               |          |    |    \----- KHN35045.1 [Glycine soja]                                       (12)
                                               |          \-100+                      
                                               |               |    /----- Glyma.01G222300.1.p [Glycine max]                               (17)
                                               |               \-100+                 
                                               |                    \----- KHN25675.1 [Glycine soja]                                       (47)
                                          /-74-+                    /----- Vang10g06430.1 [Vigna angularis]                                (5)
                                          |    |               /-100+                 
                                          |    |               |    \----- Vradi07g30880.1 [Vigna radiata]                                 (30)
                                          |    |    /----100---+                      
                                          |    |    |          \---------- Phvul.002G293200.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris]                         (29)
                                          |    |    |                                 
                                          |    |    |               /----- Glyma.05G211900.1.p [Glycine max]                               (20)
                                          |    |    |          /-100+                 
                                          |    \-100+          |    \----- KHM99943.1 [Glycine soja]                                       (43)
                                          |         |     /-100+                      
                                     /-93-+         |     |    |    /----- KHN16785.1 [Glycine soja]                                       (21)
                                     |    |         |     |    \-100+                 
                                     |    |         \--83-+         \----- Glyma.08G018300.1.p [Glycine max]                               (45)
                                     |    |               |                           
                                     |    |               \--------------- C.cajan_13648 [Cajanus cajan]                                   (48)
                                     |    |                                           
                                     |    |               /--------------- Araip.Y6GAE [Arachis ipaensis]                                  (19)
                                /-87-+    |               |                           
                                |    |    |               |         /----- Medtr8g098945.1 [Medicago truncatula]                           (26)
                                |    |    \-------92------+    /-100+                 
                                |    |                    |    |    \----- Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA13259 [Trifolium pratense]                  (41)
                                |    |                    \-100+                      
                           /-100+    |                         \---------- XP_012572138.1 [Cicer arietinum]                                (33)
                           |    |    |                                                
                           |    |    \------------------------------------ Lj4g3v2990170.1 [Lotus japonicus]                               (49)
                           |    |                                                     
                           |    |                                   /----- Aradu.U1JXN [Arachis duranensis]                                (38)
                     /--97-+    \----------------100----------------+                 
                     |     |                                        \----- Araip.HGN3R [Arachis ipaensis]                                  (46)
                     |     |                                                          
                     |     |                                        /----- MELO3C016338P1 [Cucumis melo]                                   (13)
                     |     \-------------------100------------------+                 
                /-99-+                                              \----- Cucsa.106960.1 [Cucumis sativus]                                (24)
                |    |                                                                
                |    |                                              /----- WALNUT_00004496-RA [Juglans regia]                              (4)
                |    |                                         /-100+                 
                |    |                                         |    \----- WALNUT_00022226-RA [Juglans regia]                              (44)
                |    \-------------------100-------------------+                      
                |                                              \---------- maker-scaffold14802-snap-gene-0.6-mRNA-1 [Castanea mollissima]  (37)
                |                                              /---------- XP_010112624.1 [Morus notabilis]                                (8)
           /-99-+                                              |                      
           |    |                         /---------100--------+    /----- HL.SW.v1.0.G023604.1 [Humulus lupulus]                          (10)
           |    |                         |                    \-100+                 
           |    |                         |                         \----- PK29806.1 [Cannabis sativa]                                     (31)
           |    |                         |                                           
           |    |                         |                         /----- Pbr036688.1 [Pyrus bretschneideri]                              (22)
           |    |                         |                    /-100+                 
           |    |                         |                    |    \----- Pbr002230.1 [Pyrus bretschneideri]                              (27)
           |    \-----------100-----------+               /-100+                      
           |                              |               |    \---------- MDP0000247896 [Malus domestica]                                 (40)
      --100+                              |         /-100-+                           
           |                              |         |     \--------------- MDP0000145953 [Malus domestica]                                 (50)
           |                              |    /-100+                                 
           |                              |    |    |               /----- Prupe.5G106700.1.p [Prunus persica]                             (23)
           |                              |    |    \------100------+                 
           |                              \-100+                    \----- XP_016651148.1 [Prunus mume]                                    (25)
           |                                   |                                      
           |                                   \-------------------------- FANhyb_rscf00000119.1.g00009.1 [Fragaria x ananassa]            (32)
           |                                                        /----- Lus10032303 [Linum usitatissimum]                               (16)
                                                                    \----- Lus10024676 [Linum usitatissimum]                               (39)
      Root part of tree:

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Jcr4S01613.20 [Jatropha curcas]                                 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Manes.02G017100.1.p [Manihot esculenta]                         (3)
      |                        /------------------------------------------ (86)
      |                        |                                                      
      |                        |                                 /-------- Potri.003G132700.1 [Populus trichocarpa]                        (6)
      |                        |                        /---100--+                    
      |                        |                        |        \-------- CCG021790.2 [Populus euphratica]                                (35)
      |                /--100--+        /------100------+                             
      +                |       |        |               \----------------- SapurV1A.0119s0210.1.p [Salix purpurea]                         (14)
      |                |       |        |                                             
      |                |       |        |               /----------------- Potri.001G099000.1 [Populus trichocarpa]                        (7)
      |                |       \---100--+               |                             
      |                |                |       /--100--+        /-------- CCG024547.1 [Populus euphratica]                                (28)
      |       /---55---+                |       |       \---100--+                    
      |       |        |                \--100--+                \-------- CCG029762.1 [Populus euphratica]                                (34)
      |       |        |                        |                                     
      |       |        |                        \------------------------- SapurV1A.0098s0400.1.p [Salix purpurea]                         (11)
      \---99--+        |                                                              
              |        \-------------------------------------------------- 30190.m011276 [Ricinus communis]                                (18)
              |                                                  /-------- Manes.01G057100.1.p [Manihot esculenta]                         (15)
                                                                 \-------- Jcr4S15085.10 [Jatropha curcas]                                 (42)