PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Selaginella moellendorffii
LBD Family
Phylogenetic tree for domain ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 111494/4-96  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 111283/4-96  (11)
      |                                                        /---------- 105005/3-104 (2)
      |                                               /---64---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- 37570/2-102  (9)
      |                                     /---100---+                               
      |                                     |         \------------------- 61520/2-102  (13)
      |                                     |                                         
      |                            /---71---+                  /---------- 59650/1-93   (5)
      |                            |        |         /---99---+                      
      +                            |        |         |        \---------- 69621/4-101  (12)
      |                  /----70---+        \----99---+                               
      |                  |         |                  \------------------- 27657/1-100  (7)
      |                  |         |                                                  
      |                  |         \-------------------------------------- 68988/8-107  (3)
      |                  |                                                            
      |         /---100--+                            /------------------- 37169/6-106  (4)
      |         |        |                            |                               
      |         |        |                  /----92---+        /---------- 59179/4-103  (8)
      |         |        |                  |         \---80---+                      
      |         |        |                  |                  \---------- 59642/6-93   (15)
      \---100---+        \--------78--------+                                         
                |                           |                  /---------- 58936/7-106  (6)
                |                           \--------83--------+                      
                |                                              \---------- 49084/2-100  (14)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- 69267/2-95   (10)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 37570  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 105005 (7)
      |                                                        /---------- 59642  (2)
      |                                               /---74---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- 59179  (15)
      |                                               |                               
      |                                               |        /---------- 58936  (3)
      |                                     /----68---+---86---+                      
      |                                     |         |        \---------- 49084  (9)
      |                                     |         |                               
      |                                     |         \------------------- 37169  (4)
      +                            /---64---+                                         
      |                            |        |         /------------------- 69267  (5)
      |                            |        |         |                               
      |                            |        \---100---+        /---------- 111494 (6)
      |                  /----68---+                  \---100--+                      
      |                  |         |                           \---------- 111283 (8)
      |                  |         |                                                  
      |                  |         \-------------------------------------- 68988  (14)
      |         /---100--+                                                            
      |         |        |                            /------------------- 27657  (10)
      |         |        |                            |                               
      |         |        \-------------97-------------+        /---------- 59650  (12)
      \----59---+                                     \---99---+                      
                |                                              \---------- 69621  (13)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- 61520  (11)