PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Micromonas sp. RCC299
AP2 Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 102382/59-109  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 102382/220-267 (9)
      |                                                       /----------- 60783/320-368  (2)
      |                                            /----77----+                       
      |                                            |          \----------- 63468/298-347  (5)
      |                                 /----94----+                                  
      |                                 |          \---------------------- 57733/295-347  (8)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |                     /----------- 63468/200-251  (4)
      |                     /-----84----+          /----61----+                       
      |                     |           |          |          \----------- 60783/228-278  (12)
      +                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           |          |---------------------- 56794/240-288  (7)
      |                     |           \----65----+                                  
      |                     |                      |---------------------- 64742/599-648  (11)
      |                     |                      |                                  
      |                     |                      |          /----------- 64742/219-267  (14)
      |          /----62----+                      \----68----+                       
      |          |          |                                 \----------- 57733/189-252  (15)
      |          |          |                                                         
      |          |          |                      /---------------------- 90161/6-53     (3)
      |          |          |                      |                                  
      |          |          |           /----98----+          /----------- 101075/273-323 (13)
      \----63----+          |           |          \----80----+                       
                 |          \-----73----+                     \----------- 101075/179-227 (16)
                 |                      |                                             
                 |                      \--------------------------------- 90161/98-143   (6)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- 101075/83-127  (10)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /-------------------------------------------------------------------- 101075 (1)
      |-------------------------------------------------------------------- 90161  (2)
      |                                        /--------------------------- 63468  (3)
      |                                        |                                      
      +                          /------84-----+            /-------------- 60783  (4)
      |                          |             \-----84-----+                         
      |                          |                          \-------------- 56794  (8)
      |             /-----60-----+                                                    
      |             |            |                          /-------------- 64742  (6)
      |             |            \------------90------------+                         
      \------99-----+                                       \-------------- 57733  (7)
                    \------------------------------------------------------ 102382 (5)