PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Aquilegia coerulea
SBP Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Aqcoe1G258000.1.p/79-155  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Aqcoe4G093200.1.p/71-148  (5)
      |         /--------------------------------------------------------- Aqcoe5G412300.1.p/139-216 (2)
      |         |                                                                     
      +         |                  /-------------------------------------- Aqcoe3G371200.1.p/174-250 (3)
      |         |                  |                                                  
      |         |                  |                           /---------- Aqcoe5G111900.1.p/154-230 (6)
      |         |                  |                  /---73---+                      
      |         |                  |                  |        \---------- Aqcoe6G327700.1.p/132-209 (10)
      |         |                  |        /---100---+                               
      \---100---+                  |        |         \------------------- Aqcoe5G293900.1.p/167-244 (8)
                |        /----66---+        |                                         
                |        |         |---57---+----------------------------- Aqcoe2G319400.1.p/72-148  (7)
                |        |         |        |                                         
                |        |         |        |                  /---------- Aqcoe3G180200.1.p/11-78   (11)
                |        |         |        \--------88--------+                      
                |        |         |                           \---------- Aqcoe5G351500.1.p/94-170  (13)
                \---88---+         |                                                  
                         |         \-------------------------------------- Aqcoe1G017300.1.p/79-156  (9)
                         |------------------------------------------------ Aqcoe7G241600.1.p/179-256 (4)
                         \------------------------------------------------ Aqcoe7G309900.1.p/168-244 (12)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Aqcoe5G293900.1.p (1)
      |                                            /---------------------- Aqcoe5G412300.1.p (2)
      |                                            |                                  
      |                     /----------95----------+          /----------- Aqcoe4G093200.1.p (9)
      |                     |                      \----97----+                       
      |                     |                                 \----------- Aqcoe1G258000.1.p (13)
      |                     |                                                         
      |                     |           /--------------------------------- Aqcoe7G309900.1.p (3)
      |                     |           |                                             
      |          /----99----+           |                     /----------- Aqcoe5G351500.1.p (5)
      |          |          |-----51----+          /----98----+                       
      +          |          |           |          |          \----------- Aqcoe3G180200.1.p (11)
      |          |          |           \----74----+                                  
      |          |          |                      \---------------------- Aqcoe3G371200.1.p (12)
      |----100---+          |                                                         
      |          |          \--------------------------------------------- Aqcoe7G241600.1.p (4)
      |          |                                                                    
      |          |                                            /----------- Aqcoe2G319400.1.p (7)
      |          \---------------------92---------------------+                       
      |                                                       \----------- Aqcoe1G017300.1.p (8)
      |                                                       /----------- Aqcoe6G327700.1.p (6)
                                                              \----------- Aqcoe5G111900.1.p (10)