PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Zostera marina
ARF Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Zosma8g00830.1/131-232   (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Zosma133g00360.1/128-228 (9)
      |                                                        /---------- Zosma59g00400.1/126-227  (2)
      |                  /------------------86-----------------+                      
      |                  |                                     \---------- Zosma144g00340.1/140-241 (3)
      |                  |                                                            
      |                  |                                     /---------- Zosma34g00620.1/125-225  (4)
      |                  |                            /---98---+                      
      +                  |                            |        \---------- Zosma27g00270.1/165-266  (11)
      |                  |                  /---100---+                               
      |         /---88---+                  |         \------------------- Zosma24g01260.1/119-219  (10)
      |         |        |         /---100--+                                         
      |         |        |         |        |                  /---------- Zosma52g00090.1/143-244  (5)
      |         |        |         |        \--------100-------+                      
      |         |        |         |                           \---------- Zosma24g01320.1/130-231  (14)
      |         |        |         |                                                  
      |         |        \----95---+                           /---------- Zosma94g00330.1/119-220  (6)
      \----92---+                  |                  /---61---+                      
                |                  |                  |        \---------- Zosma41g00710.1/112-213  (12)
                |                  |        /---100---+                               
                |                  |        |         \------------------- Zosma202g00360.1/123-224 (13)
                |                  \---100--+                                         
                |                           \----------------------------- Zosma54g00300.1/117-218  (7)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- Zosma39g00250.1/129-230  (8)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Zosma8g00830.1   (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Zosma133g00360.1 (11)
      |                                                        /---------- Zosma94g00330.1  (2)
      |                                               /---68---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- Zosma202g00360.1 (4)
      |                                     /---100---+                               
      |                                     |         \------------------- Zosma41g00710.1  (8)
      |                            /---100--+                                         
      |                            |        \----------------------------- Zosma54g00300.1  (9)
      +                            |                                                  
      |                            |                           /---------- Zosma52g00090.1  (3)
      |                  /---100---+        /--------100-------+                      
      |                  |         |        |                  \---------- Zosma24g01320.1  (12)
      |                  |         |        |                                         
      |                  |         \---100--+                  /---------- Zosma24g01260.1  (6)
      |                  |                  |         /---97---+                      
      |         /---100--+                  |         |        \---------- Zosma34g00620.1  (13)
      |         |        |                  \---100---+                               
      |         |        |                            \------------------- Zosma27g00270.1  (7)
      |         |        |                                                            
      \---100---+        |                                     /---------- Zosma59g00400.1  (5)
                |        \-----------------100-----------------+                      
                |                                              \---------- Zosma144g00340.1 (10)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- Zosma39g00250.1  (14)