PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Eragrostis tef
LSD Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 462929626/66-90   (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 462892842/66-90   (9)
      |                                                        /---------- 462882351/84-108  (2)
      |                                               /---50---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- 462878284/84-108  (13)
      |                                     /----84---+                               
      |                                     |         |        /---------- 462874299/84-107  (11)
      |                                     |         \---100--+                      
      |                            /---63---+                  \---------- 462894244/163-186 (21)
      |                            |        |                                         
      |                            |        \----------------------------- 462932928/400-424 (16)
      |                  /---100---+                                                  
      +                  |         |                           /---------- 462892842/114-138 (6)
      |                  |         \------------100------------+                      
      |                  |                                     \---------- 462929626/104-128 (17)
      |                  |                                                            
      |         /---90---+                                     /---------- 462874299/7-31    (4)
      |         |        |                            /---100--+                      
      |         |        |                            |        \---------- 462894244/86-110  (18)
      |         |        |                  /----93---+                               
      |         |        |                  |         \------------------- 462882351/7-31    (19)
      |         |        \--------90--------+                                         
      |         |                           |                  /---------- 462929626/27-51   (15)
      |         |                           \--------100-------+                      
      |         |                                              \---------- 462892842/27-51   (20)
      |         |                                                                     
      \----99---+                                              /---------- 462894244/125-149 (3)
                |                                     /---98---+                      
                |                                     |        \---------- 462874299/46-70   (8)
                |                                     |        /---------- 462882351/46-70   (10)
                |                                     \---99---+                      
                |                                              \---------- 462878284/46-70   (14)
                |                                              /---------- 462856043/157-180 (5)
                |                                              |                      
                \----------------------100---------------------+---------- 462959535/72-95   (7)
                                                               \---------- 462856043/36-59   (12)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /-------------------------------------------------------------------- 462878284 (1)
      |-------------------------------------------------------------------- 462882351 (6)
      |                                                  /----------------- 462959535 (2)
      |                                 /-------100------+                            
      +                                 |                \----------------- 462856043 (5)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |                /----------------- 462892842 (3)
      |                /-------93-------+-------100------+                            
      |                |                |                \----------------- 462929626 (8)
      |                |                |                                             
      \-------99-------+                \---------------------------------- 462932928 (9)
                       |                                 /----------------- 462894244 (4)
                                                         \----------------- 462874299 (7)