PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Capsella grandiflora
NF-YB Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.0666s0039.1.p/28-125  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.0612s0059.1.p/26-123  (2)
      |       /----------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.0716s0005.1.p/20-112  (3)
      |       |                                                                       
      |       |                                                  /-------- Cagra.4395s0089.1.p/2-97    (4)
      +       |                                         /---98---+                    
      |       |                                         |        \-------- Cagra.0551s0036.1.p/42-137  (5)
      |       |                         /-------58------+                             
      |       |                         |               \----------------- Cagra.2412s0002.1.p/37-132  (6)
      |       |                         |                                             
      |       |                         |               /----------------- Cagra.1201s0002.1.p/10-105  (7)
      \---99--+                /---75---+               |                             
              |                |        |       /--100--+        /-------- Cagra.1365s0026.1.p/11-102  (11)
              |                |        |       |       \---100--+                    
              |                |        |       |                \-------- Cagra.5163s0007.1.p/11-102  (12)
              |                |        \---55--+                                     
              |        /---74--+                |                /-------- Cagra.3434s0008.1.p/55-150  (10)
              |        |       |                \-------100------+                    
              |        |       |                                 \-------- Cagra.15822s0011.1.p/53-149 (13)
              \---95---+       |                                                      
                       |       \------------------------------------------ Cagra.15822s0014.1.p/26-121 (8)
                       \-------------------------------------------------- Cagra.1718s0015.1.p/20-115  (9)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.4395s0089.1.p  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.0551s0036.1.p  (13)
      |                                                        /---------- Cagra.3434s0008.1.p  (2)
      |                  /-----------------100-----------------+                      
      |                  |                                     \---------- Cagra.15822s0011.1.p (3)
      |                  |                                                            
      |                  |                                     /---------- Cagra.0666s0039.1.p  (4)
      +                  |                            /---99---+                      
      |                  |                            |        \---------- Cagra.0612s0059.1.p  (11)
      |                  |                  /----50---+                               
      |         /---74---+                  |         \------------------- Cagra.0716s0005.1.p  (7)
      |         |        |                  |                                         
      |         |        |         /---63---+                  /---------- Cagra.1365s0026.1.p  (8)
      |         |        |         |        |         /---100--+                      
      |         |        |         |        |         |        \---------- Cagra.5163s0007.1.p  (9)
      |         |        |         |        \----99---+                               
      \----97---+        \----68---+                  \------------------- Cagra.1201s0002.1.p  (12)
                |                  |                                                  
                |                  |                           /---------- Cagra.15822s0014.1.p (5)
                |                  \------------100------------+                      
                |                                              \---------- Cagra.1718s0015.1.p  (6)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- Cagra.2412s0002.1.p  (10)