PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Kalanchoe laxiflora
SBP Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaladp0040s0160.1.p/172-249 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaladp0088s0066.1.p/173-250 (14)
      |                                                        /---------- Kaladp0039s0206.1.p/186-262 (2)
      |                                               /---89---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- Kaladp0746s0002.1.p/97-173  (17)
      |                                     /---100---+                               
      |                                     |         \------------------- Kaladp0073s0135.1.p/67-143  (9)
      |                            /---97---+                                         
      |                            |        |                  /---------- Kaladp0262s0034.1.p/200-277 (5)
      |                            |        \--------100-------+                      
      |                            |                           \---------- Kaladp0016s0167.1.p/140-216 (15)
      +                  /----61---+                                                  
      |                  |         |                           /---------- Kaladp0085s0095.1.p/144-220 (3)
      |                  |         |                  /---100--+                      
      |                  |         |                  |        \---------- Kaladp0085s0023.1.p/145-221 (16)
      |                  |         \--------90--------+                               
      |         /---51---+                            |        /---------- Kaladp0016s0065.1.p/125-202 (8)
      |         |        |                            \---99---+                      
      |         |        |                                     \---------- Kaladp0006s0090.1.p/128-205 (13)
      |         |        |                                                            
      |         |        |                                     /---------- Kaladp0040s0154.1.p/60-133  (4)
      |         |        \-----------------100-----------------+                      
      |         |                                              \---------- Kaladp0011s1053.1.p/89-165  (7)
                |                                              /---------- Kaladp0018s0316.1.p/151-226 (6)
                |                                              \---------- Kaladp0087s0171.1.p/67-142  (10)
                |                                              /---------- Kaladp0017s0020.1.p/148-224 (11)
                                                               \---------- Kaladp0094s0012.1.p/170-246 (12)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaladp0085s0095.1.p (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaladp0085s0023.1.p (6)
      |                                                          /-------- Kaladp0040s0160.1.p (2)
      |                                                 /---100--+                    
      |                                                 |        \-------- Kaladp0088s0066.1.p (8)
      |                                         /---89--+                             
      |                                         |       \----------------- Kaladp0087s0171.1.p (5)
      |                                 /---81--+                                     
      |                                 |       |                /-------- Kaladp0016s0167.1.p (4)
      |                                 |       \-------100------+                    
      |                        /---63---+                        \-------- Kaladp0262s0034.1.p (7)
      |                        |        |                                             
      +                        |        |                        /-------- Kaladp0011s1053.1.p (9)
      |                        |        \-----------99-----------+                    
      |                        |                                 \-------- Kaladp0040s0154.1.p (10)
      |                        |                                                      
      |                /---66--+                                 /-------- Kaladp0094s0012.1.p (3)
      |                |       |----------------89---------------+                    
      |                |       |                                 \-------- Kaladp0017s0020.1.p (15)
      |                |       |                                                      
      |                |       |                        /----------------- Kaladp0073s0135.1.p (12)
      |                |       |                        |                             
      |       /---94---+       \-----------100----------+        /-------- Kaladp0746s0002.1.p (14)
      |       |        |                                \---100--+                    
      |       |        |                                         \-------- Kaladp0039s0206.1.p (17)
      |       |        |                                                              
      \--100--+        |                                         /-------- Kaladp0016s0065.1.p (13)
              |        \-------------------100-------------------+                    
              |                                                  \-------- Kaladp0006s0090.1.p (16)
              \----------------------------------------------------------- Kaladp0018s0316.1.p (11)