PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Eragrostis tef
DBB Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 462937971/98-139  (1)
      |                                                       /----------- 462890091/4-47    (11)
      |                                                       \----------- 462925488/4-47    (18)
      |                                                       /----------- 462907754/61-102  (2)
      |                                            /----100---+                       
      |                                            |          \----------- 462855989/62-103  (8)
      |                                 /----96----+                                  
      |                                 |          |          /----------- 462958477/104-145 (4)
      |                                 |          \----99----+                       
      |                                 |                     \----------- 462958552/118-159 (7)
      +                     /----100----+                                             
      |                     |           |          /---------------------- 462937971/150-191 (9)
      |                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           \----72----+          /----------- 462925488/59-91   (10)
      |                     |                      \----70----+                       
      |                     |                                 \----------- 462890091/59-91   (14)
      |          /----93----+                                                         
      |          |          |                                 /----------- 462929887/66-111  (3)
      |          |          |---------------100---------------+                       
      |          |          |                                 \----------- 462958285/65-108  (12)
      |          |          |                                                         
      |          |          |                                 /----------- 462958285/24-66   (5)
      \----76----+          \---------------100---------------+                       
                 |                                            \----------- 462929887/24-66   (13)
                 |                                            /----------- 462958552/4-43    (6)
                 |                                 /----88----+                       
                 |                                 |          \----------- 462958477/42-82   (16)
                                                   |          /----------- 462907754/4-43    (15)
                                                              \----------- 462855989/4-42    (17)

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      /-------------------------------------------------------------------- 462937971 (1)
      |                                                  /----------------- 462929887 (2)
      |                /---------------100---------------+                            
      |                |                                 \----------------- 462958285 (6)
      |                |                                                              
      |-------100------+                                 /----------------- 462958552 (4)
      |                |                /-------100------+                            
      +                |                |                \----------------- 462958477 (5)
      |                \-------82-------+                                             
      |                                 |                /----------------- 462855989 (7)
      |                                 \-------99-------+                            
      |                                                  \----------------- 462907754 (8)
      |                                                  /----------------- 462925488 (3)
                                                         \----------------- 462890091 (9)