PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Hordeum vulgare
NF-YB Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MLOC_79487.1/39-129  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- MLOC_75867.1/26-117  (12)
      |                                 /--------------------------------- MLOC_70684.1/20-115  (2)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |                     /----------- MLOC_72428.4/17-113  (5)
      |                                 |                     |                       
      |                                 |          /----97----+----------- MLOC_58202.1/24-91   (6)
      +                     /-----97----+          |          |                       
      |                     |           |----55----+          \----------- MLOC_36879.4/1-81    (9)
      |                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           |          \---------------------- MLOC_5897.1/22-117   (11)
      |                     |           |                                             
      |          /----68----+           \--------------------------------- MLOC_57782.1/33-128  (8)
      |          |          |                                                         
      |          |          |                      /---------------------- MLOC_36682.1/1-81    (3)
      |          |          |                      |                                  
      \----68----+          \----------56----------+          /----------- MLOC_36944.1/11-93   (7)
                 |                                 \----95----+                       
                 |                                            \----------- MLOC_55519.1/104-154 (10)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- MLOC_7755.1/40-135   (4)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MLOC_79487.1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- MLOC_7755.1  (12)
      |                                                 /----------------- MLOC_36944.1 (2)
      |                /---------------100--------------+                             
      |                |                                \----------------- MLOC_55519.1 (10)
      +                |                                                              
      |                |                                /----------------- MLOC_75867.1 (3)
      |                |                /-------91------+                             
      |                |                |               \----------------- MLOC_36682.1 (5)
      |                |-------63-------+                                             
      |                |                \--------------------------------- MLOC_58202.1 (4)
      |                |                                                              
      \-------93-------+                                /----------------- MLOC_36879.4 (6)
                       |                /------100------+                             
                       |                |               \----------------- MLOC_72428.4 (9)
                       |                |               /----------------- MLOC_5897.1  (7)
                       |                \-------82------+                             
                       |                                \----------------- MLOC_70684.1 (8)
                       \-------------------------------------------------- MLOC_57782.1 (11)