PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Transcription Factor Information
Basic Information | Signature Domain | Sequence | 
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TF ID GSBRNA2T00033688001
Common NameGSBRNA2T00033688001
Taxonomic ID
Taxonomic Lineage
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae; Brassiceae; Brassica
Family LFY
Protein Properties Length: 342aa    MW: 38079 Da    PI: 5.8711
Description LFY family protein
Gene Model
Gene Model ID Type Source Coding Sequence
GSBRNA2T00033688001genomeGenoscopeView CDS
Signature Domain? help Back to Top
Signature Domain
No. Domain Score E-value Start End HMM Start HMM End
              FLO_LFY   1 mdpeafsaslfkwd.praaaaapparlleeaavseapleaaaaaaarklreleelfkayGvryltvakiaelGftvstLvdmkdeelddl 89 
                          mdpe f++ lf+w+ +ra++++pp  + +   ++++p++ ++aa  ++l +le lf  yGvr++t+akiaelGft+stLv+mkdeel+d+
                          9*************4455555566555544.4556666777888888899**************************************** PP

              FLO_LFY  90 mkslseifrldllvGeryGikaavraerrrlee..eeaekkrrkll.....sedeetaldalsqeglseepvqe..ekeaagsggeglge 170
                          m+sls+ifr++llvGeryG+kaavraerrrl e  ee++++rr+ll      + +++aldalsqeglseepv++  +++aag++g+g g 
                          ******************************976344556777887778844344556***************996333366677777667 PP

              FLO_LFY 171 aelvaaeekkseeekkkaskkkqkrkkkkelkseededeeeeededeegsgedge....erqrehPfivtepgevargkknGLDYLfdLy 256
                          +++ +a+       kk +  +++++k++ + + e+d+d +e +d+d+ ++g +g     erqrehPfivtepgevargkknGLDYLf+Ly
                          7665444......22222..2333333333.3344444444444444433333223555******************************* PP

              FLO_LFY 257 eqCrefLlqvqkiakerGekcPtkvtnqvf 286
                          eqCrefL+qvq+iak+rGekcPtkv  + f
                          *************************99988 PP

Protein Features ? help Back to Top
3D Structure
Database Entry ID E-value Start End InterPro ID Description
PfamPF016983.7E-1171290IPR002910Floricaula/leafy protein
Gene Ontology ? help Back to Top
GO Term GO Category GO Description
GO:0006355Biological Processregulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0003677Molecular FunctionDNA binding
Sequence ? help Back to Top
Protein Sequence    Length: 342 aa     Download sequence    Send to blast
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PDB ID Evalue Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
2vy1_A7e-35227290164PROTEIN LEAFY
2vy2_A7e-35227290164PROTEIN LEAFY
Search in ModeBase
Nucleic Localization Signal ? help Back to Top
No. Start End Sequence
Expression -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniprotDEVELOPMENTAL STAGE: Expressed at an early stage of floral initiation.
UniprotTISSUE SPECIFICITY: Expressed uniformly throughout the young floral primordia.
Functional Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtProbable transcription factor that promotes early floral meristem identity in synergy with APETALA1. Is required subsequently for the transition of an inflorescence meristem into a floral meristem, by an immediate upstream regulation of the ABC classes of floral homeotic genes. Activates directly APETALA1, CAULIFLOWER and AGAMOUS, and indirectly APETALA3 and PISTILLATA with the cooperation of UFO. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:8565821, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9783581, ECO:0000269|Ref.6}.
Cis-element ? help Back to Top
Regulation -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtINDUCTION: Positively regulated by CAULIFLOWER and APETALA1. Down-regulated by TFL1.
Regulation -- PlantRegMap ? help Back to Top
Source Upstream Regulator Target Gene
Annotation -- Nucleotide ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
GenBankHQ6159370.0HQ615937.1 Brassica rapa LEAFYa (LFYa) mRNA, complete cds.
GenBankKR1904350.0KR190435.1 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis leafy 1 (LFY1) mRNA, complete cds.
Annotation -- Protein ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
RefseqXP_013675387.11e-148protein LEAFY
RefseqXP_013727957.11e-148protein LEAFY
SwissprotQ009581e-132LFY_ARATH; Protein LEAFY
TrEMBLA0A078JY280.0A0A078JY28_BRANA; BnaCnng78420D protein
STRINGBra029305.1-P1e-147(Brassica rapa)
Orthologous Group ? help Back to Top
LineageOrthologous Group IDTaxa NumberGene Number
Best hit in Arabidopsis thaliana ? help Back to Top
Hit ID E-value Description
AT5G61850.11e-111floral meristem identity control protein LEAFY (LFY)
Publications ? help Back to Top
  1. Chao WS,Doğramaci M,Foley ME,Horvath DP,Anderson JV
    Selection and validation of endogenous reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula).
    PLoS ONE, 2012. 7(8): p. e42839
  2. Yang C, et al.
    VAL- and AtBMI1-mediated H2Aub initiate the switch from embryonic to postgerminative growth in Arabidopsis.
    Curr. Biol., 2013. 23(14): p. 1324-9
  3. Lei HJ, et al.
    Identification and characterization of FaSOC1, a homolog of SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 from strawberry.
    Gene, 2013. 531(2): p. 158-67
  4. Yu Y, et al.
    MlWRKY12, a novel Miscanthus transcription factor, participates in pith secondary cell wall formation and promotes flowering.
    Plant Sci., 2013. 212: p. 1-9
  5. Niwa M,Endo M,Araki T
    Florigen is involved in axillary bud development at multiple stages in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Signal Behav, 2013. 8(11): p. e27167
  6. Fu J, et al.
    Photoperiodic control of FT-like gene ClFT initiates flowering in Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium.
    Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2014. 74: p. 230-8
  7. Risseeuw E, et al.
    An activated form of UFO alters leaf development and produces ectopic floral and inflorescence meristems.
    PLoS ONE, 2013. 8(12): p. e83807
  8. Yang Z, et al.
    Analyses of sequence polymorphism and haplotype diversity of LEAFY genes revealed post-domestication selection in the Chinese elite maize inbred lines.
    Mol. Biol. Rep., 2014. 41(2): p. 1117-25
  9. Chandler JW,Werr W
    Arabidopsis floral phytomer development: auxin response relative to biphasic modes of organ initiation.
    J. Exp. Bot., 2014. 65(12): p. 3097-110
  10. Yamaguchi N, et al.
    Gibberellin acts positively then negatively to control onset of flower formation in Arabidopsis.
    Science, 2014. 344(6184): p. 638-41
  11. Chalhoub B, et al.
    Plant genetics. Early allopolyploid evolution in the post-Neolithic Brassica napus oilseed genome.
    Science, 2014. 345(6199): p. 950-3
  12. Leal Valentim F, et al.
    A quantitative and dynamic model of the Arabidopsis flowering time gene regulatory network.
    PLoS ONE, 2015. 10(2): p. e0116973
  13. Chen Z, et al.
    Overexpression of AtAP1M3 regulates flowering time and floral development in Arabidopsis and effects key flowering-related genes in poplar.
    Transgenic Res., 2015. 24(4): p. 705-15
  14. Müller-Xing R,Schubert D,Goodrich J
    Non-inductive conditions expose the cryptic bract of flower phytomeres in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Signal Behav, 2015. 10(4): p. e1010868
  15. Ma X, et al.
    CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE G2 regulates salinity stress response and salt mediated flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Mol. Biol., 2015. 88(3): p. 287-99
  16. Wang C,Dehesh K
    From retrograde signaling to flowering time.
    Plant Signal Behav, 2015. 10(6): p. e1022012
  17. Kusters E,Della Pina S,Castel R,Souer E,Koes R
    Changes in cis-regulatory elements of a key floral regulator are associated with divergence of inflorescence architectures.
    Development, 2015. 142(16): p. 2822-31
  18. Andrés F, et al.
    Floral Induction in Arabidopsis by FLOWERING LOCUS T Requires Direct Repression of BLADE-ON-PETIOLE Genes by the Homeodomain Protein PENNYWISE.
    Plant Physiol., 2015. 169(3): p. 2187-99
  19. Yamaguchi N,Jeong CW,Nole-Wilson S,Krizek BA,Wagner D
    AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6/PLETHORA3 Induce LEAFY Expression in Response to Auxin to Promote the Onset of Flower Formation in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Physiol., 2016. 170(1): p. 283-93
  20. Yu Y, et al.
    WRKY71 accelerates flowering via the direct activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T and LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant J., 2016. 85(1): p. 96-106
  21. Fu X, et al.
    CHD3 chromatin-remodeling factor PICKLE regulates floral transition partially via modulating LEAFY expression at the chromatin level in Arabidopsis.
    Sci China Life Sci, 2016. 59(5): p. 516-28
  22. Yamaguchi N,Wu MF,Winter CM,Wagner D
    LEAFY and Polar Auxin Transport Coordinately Regulate Arabidopsis Flower Development.
    Plants (Basel), 2014. 3(2): p. 251-65
  23. Xu C,Yu Y,Zhang Y,Li Y,Wei S
    Gibberellins are involved in effect of near-null magnetic field on Arabidopsis flowering.
    Bioelectromagnetics, 2017. 38(1): p. 1-10
  24. Tang M, et al.
    An ortholog of LEAFY in Jatropha curcas regulates flowering time and floral organ development.
    Sci Rep, 2016. 6: p. 37306
  25. Wendell M, et al.
    Thermoperiodic Control of Floral Induction Involves Modulation of the Diurnal FLOWERING LOCUS T Expression Pattern.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 2017. 58(3): p. 466-477
  26. Monniaux M, et al.
    Conservation vs divergence in LEAFY and APETALA1 functions between Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardamine hirsuta.
    New Phytol., 2017. 216(2): p. 549-561
  27. Guo WY,Cui YM,Wang TT,Yu DY,Huang F
    Functional analysis of flower development related gene GsLFY from Glycine soja.
    Yi Chuan, 2017. 39(1): p. 56-65
  28. Dhakate P,Tyagi S,Singh A,Singh A
    Functional characterization of a novel Brassica LEAFY homolog from Indian mustard: Expression pattern and gain-of-function studies.
    Plant Sci., 2017. 258: p. 29-44
  29. Yang T,Du MF,Guo YH,Liu X
    Two LEAFY homologs ILFY1 and ILFY2 control reproductive and vegetative developments in Isoetes L.
    Sci Rep, 2017. 7(1): p. 225
  30. Goslin K, et al.
    Transcription Factor Interplay between LEAFY and APETALA1/CAULIFLOWER during Floral Initiation.
    Plant Physiol., 2017. 174(2): p. 1097-1109
  31. Serrano-Mislata A, et al.
    Regulatory interplay between LEAFY, APETALA1/CAULIFLOWER and TERMINAL FLOWER1: New insights into an old relationship.
    Plant Signal Behav, 2017. 12(10): p. e1370164
  32. Zhang GZ, et al.
    Ectopic expression of UGT84A2 delayed flowering by indole-3-butyric acid-mediated transcriptional repression of ARF6 and ARF8 genes in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Cell Rep., 2017. 36(12): p. 1995-2006
  33. Zhao W, et al.
    CsLFY is required for shoot meristem maintenance via interaction with WUSCHEL in cucumber (Cucumis sativus).
    New Phytol., 2018. 218(1): p. 344-356
  34. Dotto M,Gómez MS,Soto MS,Casati P
    UV-B radiation delays flowering time through changes in the PRC2 complex activity and miR156 levels in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Cell Environ., 2018. 41(6): p. 1394-1406
  35. Kumar A,Singh A,Panigrahy M,Sahoo PK,Panigrahi KCS
    Carbon nanoparticles influence photomorphogenesis and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Cell Rep., 2018. 37(6): p. 901-912