PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Catharanthus roseus
SBP Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- cra_locus_302_iso_1/154-230   (1)
      |                                                     /------------- cra_locus_21320_iso_3/32-108  (2)
      |                                                     |                         
      |                                       /------99-----+------------- cra_locus_63478_iso_1/77-152  (5)
      |                                       |             |                         
      |            /------------59------------+             \------------- cra_locus_74965_iso_1/76-152  (11)
      |            |                          |                                       
      |            |                          \--------------------------- cra_locus_7838_iso_1/162-239  (7)
      |            |                                                                  
      |            |                                        /------------- cra_locus_4752_iso_3/174-249  (3)
      |            |                          /-----100-----+                         
      +            |                          |             \------------- cra_locus_11052_iso_3/174-250 (8)
      |-----100----+             /-----54-----+                                       
      |            |             |            \--------------------------- cra_locus_6357_iso_5/26-102   (4)
      |            |------61-----+                                                    
      |            |             \---------------------------------------- cra_locus_10677_iso_2/176-253 (9)
      |            |                                                                  
      |            |------------------------------------------------------ cra_locus_82158_iso_1/206-283 (12)
      |            |                                                                  
      |            \------------------------------------------------------ cra_locus_12006_iso_1/171-248 (13)
      |                                                     /------------- cra_locus_27514_iso_1/148-224 (6)
                                                            \------------- cra_locus_1814_iso_3/153-230  (10)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- cra_locus_27514_iso_1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- cra_locus_1814_iso_3  (13)
      |                                                        /---------- cra_locus_6357_iso_5  (2)
      |                                               /---99---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- cra_locus_10677_iso_2 (4)
      |                  /-------------94-------------+                               
      |                  |                            |        /---------- cra_locus_4752_iso_3  (3)
      |                  |                            \---100--+                      
      +                  |                                     \---------- cra_locus_11052_iso_3 (12)
      |                  |                                                            
      |                  |                  /----------------------------- cra_locus_7838_iso_1  (5)
      |                  |                  |                                         
      |                  |         /---100--+         /------------------- cra_locus_74965_iso_1 (6)
      |         /---100--+         |        |         |                               
      |         |        |         |        \---100---+        /---------- cra_locus_21320_iso_3 (7)
      |         |        |----55---+                  \---69---+                      
      |         |        |         |                           \---------- cra_locus_63478_iso_1 (11)
      |         |        |         |                                                  
      \---100---+        |         \-------------------------------------- cra_locus_82158_iso_1 (8)
                |        |                                                            
                |        \------------------------------------------------ cra_locus_12006_iso_1 (9)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- cra_locus_302_iso_1   (10)