Signature Domain? help Back to Top |
No. |
Domain |
Score |
E-value |
Start |
End |
HMM Start |
HMM End |
1 | Homeobox | 63.6 | 2.9e-20 | 22 | 83 | 1 | 57 |
Homeobox 1 rrkRttftkeqleeLeelFek.nrypsaeereeLAkkl....gLterqVkvWFqNrRakekk 57
++ R+++t+eq + L +lF + r+ps++++++++++l +++ ++V++WFqN++a+e++
568*****************99**************************************97 PP
2 | Wus_type_Homeobox | 109.9 | 1.4e-35 | 22 | 85 | 2 | 65 |
Wus_type_Homeobox 2 artRWtPtpeQikiLeelyksGlrtPnkeeiqritaeLeeyGkiedkNVfyWFQNrkaRerqkq 65
++ RW+Pt+eQ k+L++l++sGlrtP++++iq+i+++L+ yGkie+kNVfyWFQN+kaRerqk+
678***********************************************************95 PP
? help Back to Top |
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