Signature Domain? help Back to Top |
No. |
Domain |
Score |
E-value |
Start |
End |
HMM Start |
HMM End |
1 | GRAS | 411.8 | 6.3e-126 | 74 | 447 | 1 | 374 |
GRAS 1 lvelLlecAeavssgdlelaqalLarlsel..aspdgdpmqRlaayfteALaarlarsvselykalppsetseknsseelaalklfsevsP 89
lv+lL++cA av++gd++ a+a La + a + g+ + R+a +ft AL++rl+ + + pp++++ + +++++ ++ f+e+ P
68***********************999887788889*******************9...667788999999899**************** PP
GRAS 90 ilkfshltaNqaIleavegeervHiiDfdisqGlQWpaLlqaLasRpegppslRiTgvgspesgskeeleetgerLakfAeelgvpfefnv 180
+lkf+h+taNqaIleav+g+++vHiiDf+++qGlQWpaL+qaLa Rp+gpp lR+Tg+g+p++ ++ l+ +g rLa++A++++v+f+f+
******************************************************************************************* PP
GRAS 181 lvakrledleleeLrvkpgEalaVnlvlqlhrlldesvsles....erdevLklvkslsPkvvvvveqeadhnsesFlerflealeyysal 267
++a+rl+++++++L+v++gEa+aVn+vlqlhrl++++ + ++ ++d+vL++v s++P+v++vveqeadhn++ Fl+rf+eal yysa+
**********************************99988877777889******************************************* PP
GRAS 268 fdsleaklpreseerikvErellgreivnvvacegaerrerhetlekWrerleeaGFkpvplsekaakqaklllrkvksdgyrveeesgsl 358
fdsl+a + +++l+rei+++v+ egaerrerhe l++Wr+rl++aG+ vpl+ +a qa++l+ ++++g+ vee +g+l
****998...235555666777********************************************************************* PP
GRAS 359 vlgWkdrpLvsvSaWr 374
Sevir.5G251500.1.p 432 TLGWHGRPLFSASAWR 447
***************8 PP
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