Signature Domain? help Back to Top |
No. |
Domain |
Score |
E-value |
Start |
End |
HMM Start |
HMM End |
1 | GRAS | 334 | 2.8e-102 | 123 | 485 | 2 | 374 |
GRAS 2 velLlecAeavssgdlelaqalLarlsel.aspdgdpmqRlaayfteALaarlarsvselykalppsetseknsseelaalklfsevsPilkfshlta 98
+e L++++++v+s++l+laq +L+rl+++ +sp+g+p+qR+a+yf+eAL + l++ ++ p + +s+++ ++++ a k +s +sPi+ fsh+ta
678*************************99*************************.....888899999999************************** PP
GRAS 99 NqaIleavege...ervHiiDfdisqGlQWpaLlqaLasRpegppslRiTgvgspesgskeeleetgerLakfAeelgvpfefnvlvakrledlelee 193
NqaIl++++++ vH++Df+i+ G+Q+++L++++++++ + lR+T+v+++e + e++ ++e+L++fA+e++++f+++++++k++e+l++++
********99977789**************************************66..9*************************************** PP
GRAS 194 LrvkpgEalaVnlvlqlhrlldesvsleserdevLklvkslsPkvvvvveqe..adh.nsesFlerflealeyysalfdsleaklpreseerikvEre 288
+r+ +gE ++V ++ +++r l s ++++++ ++++sPkvvv+v++e ++ +s+sF ++f++ale+y+++++sl+a +p+ + ++ vE++
********************9.......44677*******************76677899************************************** PP
GRAS 289 llgreivnvvacegaerrerhetlekWrerleeaGFkpvplsekaakqaklllrkvksdgyrveeesgslvlgWkdrpLvsvSaWr 374
+l+++i+ +v ++ ++ rh+ ++Wre++ +aG++p++ls++a qa++ll+k +++g++v +++g+lvl+W++r+Lv++SaWr
************9999...9*****************************************************************8 PP
? help Back to Top |
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