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No. |
Domain |
Score |
E-value |
Start |
End |
HMM Start |
HMM End |
1 | NF-YC | 178 | 8.8e-56 | 54 | 158 | 1 | 102 |
NF-YC 1 qlksfwekq...iekatdfknhelPlarikkilkadedvkmisaeaPvllskacelfileltlrswlhaeenkrrtlkksdiaaavtrtdifdflvdi 95
ql++fw++q ie++tdfknh+lPlarikki+kadedv+misaeaPv+++kace+fileltlr+w+h+eenkrrtl+k+diaaa++rtd+fdflvdi
89******9888899*********************************************************************************** PP
NF-YC 96 vprdelk 102
AT1G56170.2 152 IPRDELK 158
****975 PP
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