PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Transcription Factor Information
Basic Information | Signature Domain | Sequence | 
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TF ID snap_masked-scaffold08253-abinit-gene-0.10-mRNA-1
Taxonomic ID
Taxonomic Lineage
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; fabids; Fagales; Fagaceae; Castanea
Family NAC
Protein Properties Length: 129aa    MW: 14548.8 Da    PI: 10.0376
Description NAC family protein
Gene Model
Gene Model ID Type Source Coding Sequence
snap_masked-scaffold08253-abinit-gene-0.10-mRNA-1genomeTHGPView Nucleic Acid
Signature Domain? help Back to Top
Signature Domain
No. Domain Score E-value Start End HMM Start HMM End
                                                NAM  1 lppGfrFhPtdeelvveyLkkkvegkkleleevikevdiykveP 44
                                                       lppGfrF+P+deel+v+yL++kv++++l++ ++ ++ +++++ P
  snap_masked-scaffold08253-abinit-gene-0.10-mRNA-1 11 LPPGFRFRPSDEELIVHYLQNKVTSRPLPA-TIPEKSEVLEWRP 53
                                                       79*************************998.5455557776665 PP

                                                NAM  71 gkrknratksgyWkatgkdkevlsk.kgelvglkktLvfykgrapkgektdWvmheyrl 128
                                                        + r+nrat+sgyWka+g+dk++l++ ++e +g+kk Lvfy+gr pk++ktd +m+eyrl
                                                        569********************9988889***************************97 PP

Protein Features ? help Back to Top
3D Structure
Database Entry ID E-value Start End InterPro ID Description
PROSITE profilePS5100519.2361129IPR003441NAC domain
SuperFamilySSF1019411.96E-308111IPR003441NAC domain
PfamPF023654.9E-1812108IPR003441NAC domain
Gene Ontology ? help Back to Top
GO Term GO Category GO Description
GO:0006355Biological Processregulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0003677Molecular FunctionDNA binding
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Protein Sequence    Length: 129 aa     Download sequence    Send to blast
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PDB ID Evalue Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
3ulx_A4e-2721086140Stress-induced transcription factor NAC1
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Functional Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtTranscription activator that binds to, and transactivates the promoter of the abscisic aldehyde oxidase AAO3. Promotes chlorophyll degradation in leaves by enhancing transcription of AAO3, which leads to increased levels of the senescence-inducing hormone abscisic acid (ABA) (PubMed:25516602). Involved in the control of dehydration in senescing leaves. Binds to the DNA sequence 5'-CACGTAAGT-3' of SAG113 promoter. SAG113 acts as negative regulator of ABA signaling for stomatal closure in leaves, and controls water loss during leaf senescence (PubMed:22184656). Transcription factor of the NAC family involved in senescence. May function in the transition between active cell division and cell expansion (PubMed:16640597). Required for normal seed development and morphology (PubMed:18849494). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:16640597, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18849494, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22184656, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25516602}.
UniProtTranscription factor of the NAC family associated with male fertility. Involved in anther development, but not in senescence. Reduced expression of NAC5 via RNAi leads to male-sterility. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22278768}.
Regulation -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtINDUCTION: Induced by the heterodimer APETALA3 (AP3)/PISTILLATA (PI) (PubMed:9489703). Induced by senescence (PubMed:22184656, PubMed:24659488, PubMed:25516602). Induced by abscisic acid (ABA) (PubMed:22184656, PubMed:25516602). Induced by ethylene (PubMed:25516602). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22184656, ECO:0000269|PubMed:24659488, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25516602, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9489703}.
UniProtINDUCTION: Up-regulated by drought, salt and cold treatments. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:18813954}.
Regulation -- PlantRegMap ? help Back to Top
Source Upstream Regulator Target Gene
Annotation -- Protein ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
RefseqXP_022730122.12e-47NAC transcription factor 32-like
RefseqXP_028757046.12e-47NAC domain-containing protein 2-like
SwissprotO492553e-37NAC29_ARATH; NAC transcription factor 29
SwissprotQ8H4S46e-36NAC10_ORYSJ; NAC domain-containing protein 10
TrEMBLA0A2N9HWN81e-55A0A2N9HWN8_FAGSY; Uncharacterized protein
STRINGGLYMA12G29360.15e-45(Glycine max)
Orthologous Group ? help Back to Top
LineageOrthologous Group IDTaxa NumberGene Number
Best hit in Arabidopsis thaliana ? help Back to Top
Hit ID E-value Description
AT1G69490.11e-39NAC-like, activated by AP3/PI
Publications ? help Back to Top
  1. Kikuchi S, et al.
    Collection, mapping, and annotation of over 28,000 cDNA clones from japonica rice.
    Science, 2003. 301(5631): p. 376-9
  2. Zhang K,Gan SS
    An abscisic acid-AtNAP transcription factor-SAG113 protein phosphatase 2C regulatory chain for controlling dehydration in senescing Arabidopsis leaves.
    Plant Physiol., 2012. 158(2): p. 961-9
  3. Zhang K,Halitschke R,Yin C,Liu CJ,Gan SS
    Salicylic acid 3-hydroxylase regulates Arabidopsis leaf longevity by mediating salicylic acid catabolism.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2013. 110(36): p. 14807-12
  4. Shinozaki Y, et al.
    Expression of an AtNAP gene homolog in senescing morning glory (Ipomoea nil) petals of two cultivars with a different flower life span.
    J. Plant Physiol., 2014. 171(8): p. 633-8
  5. Xiao D, et al.
    SENESCENCE-SUPPRESSED PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE Directly Interacts with the Cytoplasmic Domain of SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE and Negatively Regulates Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Physiol., 2015. 169(2): p. 1275-91
  6. Sakuraba Y,Han SH,Lee SH,Hörtensteiner S,Paek NC
    Arabidopsis NAC016 promotes chlorophyll breakdown by directly upregulating STAYGREEN1 transcription.
    Plant Cell Rep., 2016. 35(1): p. 155-66
  7. Seok HY, et al.
    Arabidopsis AtNAP functions as a negative regulator via repression of AREB1 in salt stress response.
    Planta, 2017. 245(2): p. 329-341