PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Transcription Factor Information
Basic Information | Signature Domain | Sequence | 
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TF ID Neem_3161_f_3
Taxonomic ID
Taxonomic Lineage
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Sapindales; Meliaceae; Azadirachta
Family M-type_MADS
Protein Properties Length: 61aa    MW: 7055.21 Da    PI: 10.4603
Description M-type_MADS family protein
Gene Model
Gene Model ID Type Source Coding Sequence
Neem_3161_f_3genomeNGDView Nucleic Acid
Signature Domain? help Back to Top
Signature Domain
No. Domain Score E-value Start End HMM Start HMM End
         SRF-TF  1 krienksnrqvtfskRrngilKKAeELSvLCdaevaviifsstgklyeyss 51
                   79***********************************************95 PP

Protein Features ? help Back to Top
3D Structure
Database Entry ID E-value Start End InterPro ID Description
SMARTSM004325.8E-43160IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PROSITE profilePS5006634.118161IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
SuperFamilySSF554558.76E-31260IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
CDDcd002657.02E-39260No hitNo description
PROSITE patternPS003500357IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004044.6E-34323IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PfamPF003193.6E-281057IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004044.6E-342338IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004044.6E-343859IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
Gene Ontology ? help Back to Top
GO Term GO Category GO Description
GO:0003677Molecular FunctionDNA binding
GO:0046983Molecular Functionprotein dimerization activity
Sequence ? help Back to Top
Protein Sequence    Length: 61 aa     Download sequence    Send to blast
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PDB ID Evalue Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
1tqe_P4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
1tqe_Q4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
1tqe_R4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
1tqe_S4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_A4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_B4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_C4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_D4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_E4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
6c9l_F4e-22160160Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B
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Functional Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtProbable transcription factor involved in the development of floral organs. Acts as C-class protein in association with MADS58. Involved in the control of lodicule number (whorl 2), stamen specification (whorl 3) and floral meristem determinacy (whorl 4), but not in the regulation of carpel morphogenesis. Plays a more predominant role in controlling lodicule development and in specifying stamen identity than MADS58. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11828031, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16326928, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9869408}.
Annotation -- Nucleotide ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
GenBankHQ1132367e-65HQ113236.1 Siraitia grosvenorii mads-box transcription factor mRNA, complete cds.
Annotation -- Protein ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
RefseqXP_007146364.13e-36hypothetical protein PHAVU_006G034400g
SwissprotQ407042e-36MADS3_ORYSJ; MADS-box transcription factor 3
TrEMBLA0A151RFR12e-35A0A151RFR1_CAJCA; MADS-box transcription factor 3
STRINGXP_007146364.11e-35(Phaseolus vulgaris)
STRINGTraes_3B_87AC5133F.21e-35(Triticum aestivum)
Orthologous Group ? help Back to Top
LineageOrthologous Group IDTaxa NumberGene Number
Best hit in Arabidopsis thaliana ? help Back to Top
Hit ID E-value Description
AT4G18960.14e-38MIKC_MADS family protein
Publications ? help Back to Top
  1. Kyozuka J,Shimamoto K
    Ectopic expression of OsMADS3, a rice ortholog of AGAMOUS, caused a homeotic transformation of lodicules to stamens in transgenic rice plants.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 2002. 43(1): p. 130-5
  2. Kikuchi S, et al.
    Collection, mapping, and annotation of over 28,000 cDNA clones from japonica rice.
    Science, 2003. 301(5631): p. 376-9