PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Transcription Factor Information
Basic Information | Signature Domain | Sequence | 
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TF ID EcS519827.10
Taxonomic ID
Taxonomic Lineage
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Myrtales; Myrtaceae; Myrtoideae; Eucalypteae; Eucalyptus
Family M-type_MADS
Protein Properties Length: 68aa    MW: 7753.13 Da    PI: 11.0209
Description M-type_MADS family protein
Gene Model
Gene Model ID Type Source Coding Sequence
EcS519827.10genomeECGDView CDS
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Signature Domain
No. Domain Score E-value Start End HMM Start HMM End
        SRF-TF  1 krienksnrqvtfskRrngilKKAeELSvLCdaevaviifsstgklyeyss 51
                  k+i+n + r vtfskRr g++KKA+ELSvLCda+v++iif  tgklye+ss
                  68***********************************************96 PP

Protein Features ? help Back to Top
3D Structure
Database Entry ID E-value Start End InterPro ID Description
PROSITE profilePS5006629.1161IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
SMARTSM004321.8E-34160IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
SuperFamilySSF554555.89E-28165IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PROSITE patternPS003500357IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004045.3E-26323IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PfamPF003191.1E-221057IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004045.3E-262338IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
PRINTSPR004045.3E-263859IPR002100Transcription factor, MADS-box
Gene Ontology ? help Back to Top
GO Term GO Category GO Description
GO:0003677Molecular FunctionDNA binding
GO:0046983Molecular Functionprotein dimerization activity
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Protein Sequence    Length: 68 aa     Download sequence    Send to blast
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PDB ID Evalue Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
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Functional Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtTranscription activator that mediates floral transition in response to vernalization. Promotes inflorescence fate in apical meristems. Acts in a dosage-dependent manner. Probably involved in the transduction of RLK-mediated signaling (e.g. IMK3 pathway). Together with AP1 and SVP, controls the identity of the floral meristem and regulates expression of class B, C and E genes. When associated with SOC1, mediates effect of gibberellins on flowering under short-day conditions, and regulates the expression of LEAFY (LFY), which links floral induction and floral development. Confers inflorescence characteristics to floral primordia and early flowering. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12451184, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12609028, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12881501, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14716314, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16679456, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18339670, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18466303, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18694458, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19656343}.
Regulation -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtINDUCTION: Induced by vernalization in a FLC-independent manner. Repressed by the floral homeotic genes AP1, LFY and SEP3 in emerging floral meristems to establish a floral identity and prevent inflorescence fate. Up-regulated at the shoot apex by SOC1. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12609028, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14716314, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17428825, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18339670, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18694458}.
Annotation -- Protein ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
RefseqXP_018731854.16e-34PREDICTED: MADS-box protein SVP isoform X2
RefseqXP_018731855.16e-34PREDICTED: MADS-box protein SVP isoform X2
SwissprotO827941e-29AGL24_ARATH; MADS-box protein AGL24
TrEMBLA0A059BQR71e-32A0A059BQR7_EUCGR; Uncharacterized protein
TrEMBLA0A059BS885e-33A0A059BS88_EUCGR; Uncharacterized protein
STRINGXP_010061535.13e-33(Eucalyptus grandis)
Orthologous Group ? help Back to Top
LineageOrthologous Group IDTaxa NumberGene Number
Best hit in Arabidopsis thaliana ? help Back to Top
Hit ID E-value Description
AT4G24540.16e-32AGAMOUS-like 24
Publications ? help Back to Top
  1. Ramamoorthy R,Phua EE,Lim SH,Tan HT,Kumar PP
    Identification and characterization of RcMADS1, an AGL24 ortholog from the holoparasitic plant Rafflesia cantleyi Solms-Laubach (Rafflesiaceae).
    PLoS ONE, 2013. 8(6): p. e67243
  2. Lei HJ, et al.
    Identification and characterization of FaSOC1, a homolog of SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 from strawberry.
    Gene, 2013. 531(2): p. 158-67
  3. Wells CE,Vendramin E,Jimenez Tarodo S,Verde I,Bielenberg DG
    A genome-wide analysis of MADS-box genes in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch].
    BMC Plant Biol., 2015. 15: p. 41
  4. Sacharowski SP, et al.
    SWP73 Subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Play Distinct Roles in Leaf and Flower Development.
    Plant Cell, 2015. 27(7): p. 1889-906
  5. Sun LM,Zhang JZ,Hu CG
    Characterization and Expression Analysis of PtAGL24, a SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE/AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (SVP/AGL24)-Type MADS-Box Gene from Trifoliate Orange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.).
    Front Plant Sci, 2016. 7: p. 823