PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Utricularia gibba
NF-YB Family
Phylogenetic tree for domain ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 678455045/27-123 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678367572/27-120 (2)
      |                                                     /------------- 678378683/41-136 (3)
      |                                       /------60-----+                         
      |                                       |             \------------- 678458613/73-168 (8)
      |                          /-----100----+                                       
      +                          |            \--------------------------- 678455325/19-114 (7)
      |                          |                                                    
      |            /------97-----+                          /------------- 678404446/23-118 (6)
      |            |             |                          |                         
      |            |             \------------76------------+------------- 678466323/1-27   (10)
      |            |                                        |                         
      |            |                                        \------------- 678458604/24-119 (11)
                   |                                        /------------- 678459593/91-179 (4)
                   |                          /-----100-----+                         
                   |                          |             \------------- 678446909/12-108 (9)
                                              \--------------------------- 678461446/24-118 (5)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 678459593 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678446909 (7)
      |         /--------------------------------------------------------- 678455325 (2)
      +         |                                                                     
      |         |                           /----------------------------- 678378683 (3)
      |         |                           |                                         
      |         |                  /---76---+         /------------------- 678461446 (4)
      |         |                  |        |         |                               
      \---100---+                  |        \----83---+        /---------- 678367572 (6)
                |                  |                  \---100--+                      
                |        /----97---+                           \---------- 678455045 (8)
                |        |         |                                                  
                |        |         |                  /------------------- 678458604 (9)
                |        |         |                  |                               
                \---84---+         \--------100-------+        /---------- 678466323 (10)
                         |                            \---50---+                      
                         |                                     \---------- 678404446 (11)
                         \------------------------------------------------ 678458613 (5)