PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Cucumis melo
NF-YB Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C025951P1/22-117 (1)
      |                                                     /------------- MELO3C015320P1/9-97   (3)
      |                                       /-----100-----+                         
      |                                       |             \------------- MELO3C015318P1/12-100 (10)
      |                          /-----100----+                                       
      |                          |            \--------------------------- MELO3C016042P1/45-141 (9)
      |                          \---------------------------------------- MELO3C014103P1/19-114 (8)
      |                                                     /------------- MELO3C014503P1/11-103 (2)
      |                                       /-----100-----+                         
      |                                       |             \------------- MELO3C017276P1/11-99  (5)
      |                          /-----75-----+                                       
      |                          |            \--------------------------- MELO3C014120P1/54-150 (11)
      |            /------82-----+                                                    
      |            |             |                          /------------- MELO3C009309P1/24-120 (6)
      |            |             \------------82------------+                         
      \-----64-----+                                        \------------- MELO3C011726P1/27-123 (7)
                   \------------------------------------------------------ MELO3C017568P1/32-127 (4)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C014120P1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C025951P1 (6)
      |                                       /--------------------------- MELO3C009309P1 (2)
      |                                       |                                       
      |                                       |             /------------- MELO3C014503P1 (5)
      |                          /-----86-----+-----100-----+                         
      +                          |            |             \------------- MELO3C017276P1 (11)
      |                          |            |                                       
      |                          |            \--------------------------- MELO3C011726P1 (7)
      |            /------57-----+                                                    
      |            |             |                          /------------- MELO3C015320P1 (3)
      |            |             |            /-----100-----+                         
      |            |             |            |             \------------- MELO3C015318P1 (9)
      |            |             \-----100----+                                       
      \-----82-----+                          \--------------------------- MELO3C016042P1 (4)
                   |------------------------------------------------------ MELO3C014103P1 (8)
                   \------------------------------------------------------ MELO3C017568P1 (10)