PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Nicotiana tomentosiformis
NF-YA Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_009617196.1/168-224 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_009624416.1/167-223 (6)
      |                                            /---------------------- XP_009616281.1/115-191 (2)
      |                                            |                                  
      +          /----------------83---------------+          /----------- XP_009608878.1/154-208 (7)
      |          |                                 \----100---+                       
      |          |                                            \----------- XP_009613978.1/102-156 (10)
      |          |                                                                    
      |          |                                            /----------- XP_009608945.1/184-238 (3)
      |          |                                 /----74----+                       
      \----90----+                                 |          \----------- XP_009599539.1/173-229 (9)
                 |                      /----100---+                                  
                 |                      |          |          /----------- XP_009631340.1/204-260 (4)
                 |                      |          \----100---+                       
                 |          /-----93----+                     \----------- XP_009592750.1/124-180 (8)
                 |          |           |                                             
                 \----86----+           \--------------------------------- XP_009632036.1/90-146  (11)
                            \--------------------------------------------- XP_009626580.1/152-208 (5)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_009626580.1 (1)
      |                                                     /------------- XP_009617196.1 (7)
      |                                                     \------------- XP_009624416.1 (10)
      |                                                     /------------- XP_009631340.1 (2)
      |                                       /-----100-----+                         
      +                                       |             \------------- XP_009592750.1 (8)
      |                          /-----100----+                                       
      |                          |            |             /------------- XP_009599539.1 (5)
      |                          |            \------98-----+                         
      |            /------59-----+                          \------------- XP_009608945.1 (6)
      |            |             |                                                    
      |            |             \---------------------------------------- XP_009616281.1 (3)
      |            |                                                                  
      \-----100----+                                        /------------- XP_009613978.1 (4)
                   |                          /-----100-----+                         
                   |                          |             \------------- XP_009608878.1 (11)
                                              \--------------------------- XP_009632036.1 (9)