PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Leersia perrieri
GRF Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- LPERR11G13310.1/142-185 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- LPERR12G10130.1/126-170 (4)
      |                                    /------------------------------ LPERR04G19760.1/114-158 (2)
      |                                    |                                          
      |                                    |              /--------------- LPERR06G01000.1/91-135  (3)
      |                             /--99--+              |                           
      |                             |      |       /--84--+       /------- LPERR06G06090.1/94-138  (6)
      +                             |      |       |      \---99--+                   
      |                             |      \---50--+              \------- LPERR02G28430.1/94-137  (9)
      |                     /---78--+              |                                  
      |                     |       |              \---------------------- LPERR02G23730.1/127-171 (7)
      |                     |       |                                                 
      |              /--51--+       \------------------------------------- LPERR02G22680.1/133-178 (5)
      |              |      |                                                         
      |      /---69--+      \--------------------------------------------- LPERR07G11440.1/81-125  (8)
      |      |       |                                                                
      \--75--+       \---------------------------------------------------- LPERR03G24200.1/221-265 (10)
             \------------------------------------------------------------ LPERR03G27480.1/211-255 (11)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- LPERR12G10130.1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- LPERR11G13310.1 (3)
      |                                               /------------------- LPERR06G01000.1 (2)
      |                                               |                               
      |                                     /---100---+        /---------- LPERR02G23730.1 (5)
      |                                     |         \---100--+                      
      |                                     |                  \---------- LPERR04G19760.1 (6)
      +                            /---100--+                                         
      |                            |        |                  /---------- LPERR06G06090.1 (9)
      |                            |        \--------100-------+                      
      |                  /---100---+                           \---------- LPERR02G28430.1 (10)
      |                  |         |                                                  
      |                  |         |                           /---------- LPERR07G11440.1 (7)
      |         /---87---+         \------------100------------+                      
      |         |        |                                     \---------- LPERR02G22680.1 (8)
      |         |        |                                                            
      \----89---+        \------------------------------------------------ LPERR03G24200.1 (11)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- LPERR03G27480.1 (4)