PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Spinacia oleracea
G2-like Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Sp_075720_wnni.t1/212-265 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Sp_124250_yknj.t1/145-198 (6)
      |                                                           /------- Sp_117570_tude.t1/98-151  (2)
      |                                                           |                   
      |                                                   /---51--+------- Sp_155270_iufk.t1/27-80   (5)
      |                                                   |       |                   
      |      /---------------------99---------------------+       \------- Sp_204130_pgzp.t1/18-42   (13)
      |      |                                            |                           
      |      |                                            \--------------- Sp_016700_rygs.t1/84-137  (25)
      |      |                                                                        
      |      |                                                    /------- Sp_135600_rufh.t1/172-227 (3)
      +      |                                            /---96--+                   
      |      |                                            |       \------- Sp_054190_wopx.t1/251-306 (27)
      |      |                                            |                           
      |      |                             /------100-----+--------------- Sp_030140_qjuy.t1/273-328 (10)
      |      |                             |              |                           
      |      |                             |              \--------------- Sp_104020_dmho.t1/211-266 (12)
      |      |                             |                                          
      |      |                             |                      /------- Sp_010400_zpzr.t1/139-191 (7)
      |      |                             |              /---98--+                   
      |      |              /------76------+              |       \------- Sp_203360_nmyr.t1/126-179 (24)
      |      |              |              |       /--100-+                           
      |      |              |              |       |      \--------------- Sp_163340_tswk.t1/110-163 (28)
      |      |              |              |       |                                  
      \--100-+              |              |       |---------------------- Sp_102240_rhew.t1/23-50   (9)
             |              |              \---71--+                                  
             |              |                      |---------------------- Sp_083350_yipo.t2/143-196 (19)
             |              |                      |                                  
             |              |                      \---------------------- Sp_085980_jdts.t1/198-252 (20)
             |              |                                                         
             |              |                                     /------- Sp_039410_rjun.t1/44-98   (4)
             |              |                      /------97------+                   
             |       /--90--+                      |              \------- Sp_029660_auco.t1/10-64   (21)
             |       |      |                      |                                  
             |       |      |              /---93--+      /--------------- Sp_058520_xkwc.t1/91-145  (11)
             |       |      |              |       |      |                           
             |       |      |              |       \--85--+       /------- Sp_075560_ojfu.t1/28-82   (15)
             |       |      |              |              \---86--+                   
             |       |      |       /--97--+                      \------- Sp_044360_nduj.t1/35-89   (23)
             |       |      |       |      |                                          
             |       |      |       |      |                      /------- Sp_097980_epxn.t1/33-87   (8)
             |       |      |       |      \----------89----------+                   
             \---91--+      |       |                             \------- Sp_090510_fysy.t1/18-72   (17)
                     |      |       |                                                 
                     |      \---66--+------------------------------------- Sp_024760_amgu.t1/245-299 (14)
                     |              |                                                 
                     |              |                             /------- Sp_143000_jpfy.t1/263-317 (18)
                     |              |--------------89-------------+                   
                     |              |                             \------- Sp_195030_udyz.t1/242-296 (22)
                     |              |                                                 
                     |              \------------------------------------- Sp_142010_qasr.t1/237-291 (26)
                     \---------------------------------------------------- Sp_063520_oicx.t1/55-104  (16)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Sp_085980_jdts.t1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Sp_102240_rhew.t1 (17)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Sp_083350_yipo.t2 (20)
      |                                                          /-------- Sp_010400_zpzr.t1 (4)
      |                                                 /---56---+                    
      |                                                 |        \-------- Sp_163340_tswk.t1 (24)
      |                                                 \----------------- Sp_203360_nmyr.t1 (14)
      |                                                          /-------- Sp_075720_wnni.t1 (2)
      |                /--------------------99-------------------+                    
      |                |                                         \-------- Sp_124250_yknj.t1 (21)
      |                |                                                              
      |                |                                         /-------- Sp_075560_ojfu.t1 (3)
      |                |                                /---100--+                    
      |                |                                |        \-------- Sp_044360_nduj.t1 (19)
      |                |                        /--100--+                             
      +                |                        |       \----------------- Sp_058520_xkwc.t1 (11)
      |                |                /--100--+                                     
      |                |                |       |                /-------- Sp_029660_auco.t1 (13)
      |                |                |       \-------91-------+                    
      |                |                |                        \-------- Sp_039410_rjun.t1 (23)
      |                |                |                                             
      |                |       /---54---+                        /-------- Sp_195030_udyz.t1 (5)
      |                |       |        |               /---100--+                    
      |       /---63---+       |        |               |        \-------- Sp_143000_jpfy.t1 (27)
      |       |        |       |        |               |                             
      |       |        |       |        \-------80------+----------------- Sp_142010_qasr.t1 (6)
      |       |        |---92--+                        |                             
      |       |        |       |                        \----------------- Sp_024760_amgu.t1 (25)
      |       |        |       |                                                      
      |       |        |       |                                 /-------- Sp_097980_epxn.t1 (15)
      |       |        |       \----------------59---------------+                    
      |       |        |                                         \-------- Sp_090510_fysy.t1 (16)
      |       |        |                                                              
      |       |        |-------------------------------------------------- Sp_063520_oicx.t1 (7)
      \---52--+        |                                                              
              |        |                                         /-------- Sp_016700_rygs.t1 (9)
              |        |                                /---78---+                    
              |        |                                |        \-------- Sp_117570_tude.t1 (22)
              |        \---------------71---------------+                             
              |                                         |        /-------- Sp_204130_pgzp.t1 (10)
              |                                         \---67---+                    
              |                                                  \-------- Sp_155270_iufk.t1 (26)
              |                                 /------------------------- Sp_135600_rufh.t1 (8)
              |                                 |                                     
              \---------------100---------------+       /----------------- Sp_054190_wopx.t1 (12)
                                                |       |                             
                                                \---78--+        /-------- Sp_104020_dmho.t1 (18)
                                                                 \-------- Sp_030140_qjuy.t1 (28)