PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Cannabis sativa
E2F/DP Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PK18387.1/148-213 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- PK11630.1/140-205 (2)
      |                                                       /----------- PK00080.1/156-236 (3)
      |                                            /----88----+                       
      |                                            |          \----------- PK00080.2/10-44   (4)
      |                                 /----100---+                                  
      |                                 |          \---------------------- PK09429.1/4-59    (8)
      +                                 |                                             
      |                     /-----95----+          /---------------------- PK00080.1/21-86   (6)
      |                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           \----100---+          /----------- PK04229.1/9-39    (7)
      |                     |                      \----99----+                       
      |          /----92----+                                 \----------- PK04229.2/31-96   (9)
      |          |          |                                                         
      |          |          |                      /---------------------- PK09434.1/91-173  (5)
      |          |          |                      |                                  
      \----78----+          \----------100---------+          /----------- PK10877.2/35-95   (11)
                 |                                 \----100---+                       
                 |                                            \----------- PK10877.1/70-172  (12)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- PK10965.1/156-221 (10)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PK10877.1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- PK10877.2 (3)
      |                                                       /----------- PK04229.2 (2)
      |                                 /---------100---------+                       
      |                                 |                     \----------- PK04229.1 (8)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                     /----100----+          /---------------------- PK09429.1 (4)
      +                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           \----100---+          /----------- PK00080.1 (6)
      |                     |                      \----76----+                       
      |                     |                                 \----------- PK00080.2 (10)
      |          /----100---+                                                         
      |          |          |                                 /----------- PK10965.1 (7)
      |          |          |                      /----99----+                       
      |          |          |                      |          \----------- PK11630.1 (11)
      \----100---+          \----------99----------+                                  
                 |                                 \---------------------- PK18387.1 (9)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- PK09434.1 (5)