PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Manihot esculenta
BES1 Family
Phylogenetic tree for domain ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Manes.05G163000.1.p/14-149 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Manes.18G029600.1.p/13-149 (3)
      |                                                       /----------- Manes.08G096400.1.p/33-100 (2)
      |                                 /---------100---------+                       
      |                                 |                     \----------- Manes.09G111000.1.p/34-98  (10)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                     /----100----+                     /----------- Manes.14G122700.1.p/4-103  (6)
      +                     |           |          /----73----+                       
      |                     |           |          |          \----------- Manes.05G034900.1.p/76-218 (12)
      |                     |           \----100---+                                  
      |                     |                      \---------------------- Manes.15G190300.1.p/1-117  (11)
      |          /----99----+                                                         
      |          |          |                                 /----------- Manes.03G091500.1.p/2-145  (4)
      |          |          |                      /----66----+                       
      |          |          |                      |          \----------- Manes.15G097200.1.p/2-145  (7)
      |          |          \----------100---------+                                  
      \----100---+                                 |          /----------- Manes.16G043500.1.p/2-146  (8)
                 |                                 \----99----+                       
                 |                                            \----------- Manes.17G060800.1.p/2-147  (9)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- Manes.13G136500.1.p/6-148  (5)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Manes.15G190300.1.p (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Manes.05G034900.1.p (2)
      |                                                       /----------- Manes.15G097200.1.p (3)
      |                                            /----96----+                       
      |                                            |          \----------- Manes.03G091500.1.p (8)
      |                                 /----96----+                                  
      |                                 |          |          /----------- Manes.17G060800.1.p (6)
      |                                 |          \----100---+                       
      +                                 |                     \----------- Manes.16G043500.1.p (7)
      |                     /-----99----+                                             
      |                     |           |          /---------------------- Manes.13G136500.1.p (4)
      |                     |           |          |                                  
      |                     |           \----100---+          /----------- Manes.18G029600.1.p (10)
      |          /----100---+                      \----100---+                       
      |          |          |                                 \----------- Manes.05G163000.1.p (11)
      |          |          |                                                         
      |          |          |                                 /----------- Manes.08G096400.1.p (5)
      \----100---+          \----------------98---------------+                       
                 |                                            \----------- Manes.09G111000.1.p (9)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- Manes.14G122700.1.p (12)