PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Auxenochlorella protothecoides
AP2 Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_011396127.1/198-247 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_011396127.1/117-166 (7)
      |                                 /--------------------------------- XP_011400550.1/27-82   (2)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |                        /-------- XP_011401904.1/257-319 (5)
      |                                 |               /---86---+                    
      |                        /---94---+               |        \-------- XP_011400319.1/173-220 (12)
      |                        |        |       /---53--+                             
      |                        |        |       |       |        /-------- XP_011396011.1/168-219 (6)
      |                        |        |       |       \---59---+                    
      |                        |        \---97--+                \-------- XP_011398158.1/49-97   (10)
      +                        |                |                                     
      |                /---89--+                \------------------------- XP_011395646.1/58-106  (11)
      |                |       |                                                      
      |                |       |                        /----------------- XP_011401790.1/264-306 (4)
      |                |       |                        |                             
      |                |       |                        |        /-------- XP_011401904.1/362-413 (8)
      |                |       |                        |---66---+                    
      |       /---61---+       \-----------73-----------+        \-------- XP_011400319.1/264-307 (13)
      |       |        |                                |                             
      |       |        |                                |----------------- XP_011396011.1/263-312 (15)
      |       |        |                                |                             
      |       |        |                                \----------------- XP_011395646.1/149-198 (16)
      \---98--+        |                                                              
              |        \-------------------------------------------------- XP_011396127.1/37-87   (14)
              |----------------------------------------------------------- XP_011401790.1/67-118  (3)
              \----------------------------------------------------------- XP_011401790.1/174-223 (9)

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      /-------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_011400550.1 (1)
      |-------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_011401904.1 (7)
      |                                                     /-------------- XP_011396127.1 (2)
      |                                        /-----100----+                         
      +                                        |            \-------------- XP_011401790.1 (8)
      |                          /------98-----+                                      
      |                          |             \--------------------------- XP_011400319.1 (3)
      |                          |                                                    
      |             /-----55-----+----------------------------------------- XP_011398158.1 (4)
      |             |            |                                                    
      \------68-----+            \----------------------------------------- XP_011396011.1 (5)
                    \------------------------------------------------------ XP_011395646.1 (6)