PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for OGEM7498
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      Subtree rooted at node 68:

                                                                    /----- Eucgr.C03447.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (2)
                                                               |    \----- Eucgr.C03431.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (37)
                                                          |    \---------- Eucgr.C03449.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (12)
                                               /----100---+    /---------- Eucgr.C03434.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (3)
                                               |          |    |                      
                                               |          \-79-+    /----- Eucgr.C03452.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (10)
                                               |               \-100+                 
                                               |                    \----- Eucgr.C03433.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (22)
                                          /-99-+               /---------- Eucgr.C03440.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (5)
                                          |    |               |                      
                                          |    |    /----100---+    /----- Eucgr.L01331.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (18)
                                          |    |    |          \-100+                 
                                          |    |    |               \----- Eucgr.C03441.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (30)
                                          |    |    |                                 
                                          |    \-100+          /---------- Eucgr.C03454.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (32)
                                     /-100+         |          |                      
                                     |    |         |     /-100+    /----- Eucgr.C03456.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (35)
                                     |    |         |     |    \-100+                 
                                     |    |         \-100-+         \----- Eucgr.C03457.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (36)
                                     |    |               |                           
                                     |    |               \--------------- Eucgr.C03435.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (33)
                                     |    |                                           
                                     |    \------------------------------- Eucgr.C03424.1.p [Eucalyptus grandis]               (6)
                                     |                              /----- Gh_A05G0234 [Gossypium hirsutum]                    (11)
                                /-72-+                         /-100+                 
                                |    |                         |    \----- Cotton_A_09357_BGI-A2_v1.0 [Gossypium arboreum]     (39)
                                |    |                    /-100+                      
                                |    |                    |    |    /----- Gorai.009G032300.1 [Gossypium raimondii]            (20)
                                |    |                    |    \-63-+                 
                                |    |              /--86-+         \----- Gh_D05G0307 [Gossypium hirsutum]                    (31)
                                |    |              |     |                           
                                |    |              |     \--------------- Thecc1EG037635t1 [Theobroma cacao]                  (27)
                                |    |              |                                 
                                |    \------100-----+               /----- Gh_A07G0115 [Gossypium hirsutum]                    (15)
                           /-90-+                   |          /-100+                 
                           |    |                   |          |    \----- Cotton_A_05720_BGI-A2_v1.0 [Gossypium arboreum]     (24)
                           |    |                   \----100---+                      
                           |    |                              |    /----- Gh_D07G2368 [Gossypium hirsutum]                    (16)
                           |    |                              \-76-+                 
                           |    |                                   \----- Gorai.001G012700.1 [Gossypium raimondii]            (40)
                           |    |                                                     
                     /-100-+    |                              /---------- Neem_3096_f_1 [Azadirachta indica]                  (4)
                     |     |    |                              |                      
                     |     |    \--------------100-------------+    /----- Ciclev10008116m [Citrus clementina]                 (17)
                     |     |                                   \-100+                 
                /-100+     |                                        \----- orange1.1g011260m [Citrus sinensis]                 (19)
                |    |     |                                                          
                |    |     \---------------------------------------------- evm.model.supercontig_28.162 [Carica papaya]        (21)
           /-99-+    |                                                                
           |    |    \---------------------------------------------------- XP_010526389.1 [Tarenaya hassleriana]               (28)
           |    |                                                                     
      --100+    \--------------------------------------------------------- AA65G00102 [Aethionema arabicum]                    (7)
           \-------------------------------------------------------------- KFK29528.1 [Arabis alpina]                          (34)
      Root part of tree:

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Araha.30351s0001.1.p [Arabidopsis halleri]          (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 495484 [Arabidopsis lyrata]                         (29)
      |                /-------------------------------------------------- (68)
      |                |                                                              
      |                |                                         /-------- Cagra.4622s0012.1.p [Capsella grandiflora]          (8)
      |                |                /-----------100----------+                    
      +                |                |                        \-------- Carubv10028638m [Capsella rubella]                  (26)
      |                |                |                                             
      |       /---100--+                |                        /-------- Csa02g051710.1 [Camelina sativa]                    (9)
      |       |        |       /---100--+               /---91---+                    
      |       |        |       |        |               |        \-------- Csa18g025310.1 [Camelina sativa]                    (14)
      |       |        |       |        |       /---78--+                             
      |       |        |       |        |       |       \----------------- Csa11g086010.1 [Camelina sativa]                    (38)
      \--100--+        \--100--+        \--100--+                                     
              |                |                \------------------------- Csa02g051680.1 [Camelina sativa]                    (13)
              |                |                                                      
              |                \------------------------------------------ Bostr.26833s0872.1.p [Boechera stricta]             (23)
              \----------------------------------------------------------- AT5G54070.1 [Arabidopsis thaliana]                  (25)