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Phylogenetic Tree for OGEF684
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Subtree rooted at node 188: /----- KHN38307.1 [Glycine soja] (3) /-100+ | \----- Glyma.02G287700.1.p [Glycine max] (68) /-99-+ | \---------- KHN11951.1 [Glycine soja] (50) /-68-+ | \--------------- C.cajan_05842 [Cajanus cajan] (67) /-100+ | | /----- Phvul.008G190600.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris] (60) | \------100-----+ /-99-+ \----- Vang01g02400.1 [Vigna angularis] (78) | | | | /----- Aradu.C3MS1 [Arachis duranensis] (17) | \--------100--------+ | \----- Araip.M07CI [Arachis ipaensis] (97) | | /----- Medtr3g452380.1 [Medicago truncatula] (19) /-100-+ /---------78--------+ | | | \----- XP_004513719.1 [Cicer arietinum] (41) | | | | | | /----- Glyma.18G105800.1.p [Glycine max] (38) | | | /-95-+ | | | | \----- KHN18105.1 [Glycine soja] (51) | \-100+ /-100+ | | | | /----- Glyma.08G310100.1.p [Glycine max] (69) /-55-+ | | \-100+ | | | /-94-+ \----- KHM99620.1 [Glycine soja] (81) | | | | | | | \-57-+ \--------------- C.cajan_31945 [Cajanus cajan] (120) | | | | | \-------------------- Vradi10g02120.1 [Vigna radiata] (96) | | | \------------------------------------ Cucsa.139620.1 [Cucumis sativus] (70) | | /----- Pbr029686.2 [Pyrus bretschneideri] (18) | /-100+ /-78-+ | \----- MDP0000324259 [Malus domestica] (90) | | /-100+ | | | \---------- MDP0000242009 [Malus domestica] (46) | | /-100+ | | | \--------------- mrna24494.1-v1.0-hybrid [Fragaria vesca] (62) | |---------98---------+ | | | /----- Prupe.3G170600.1.p [Prunus persica] (48) /-100+ | \------99------+ | | | \----- XP_016649470.1 [Prunus mume] (73) | | | | | | /----- Manes.01G128500.1.p [Manihot esculenta] (71) | | \----------------100----------------+ | | \----- Manes.02G085500.1.p [Manihot esculenta] (93) | | | \---------------------------------------------- PK01025.1 [Cannabis sativa] (28) | | /----- SapurV1A.2206s0010.1.p [Salix purpurea] (5) | /-100+ | | \----- SapurV1A.0383s0080.1.p [Salix purpurea] (39) | /-100+ | | \---------- Potri.013G104900.1 [Populus trichocarpa] (21) | | | /-100+ /----- CCG016572.1 [Populus euphratica] (74) | | | | | | \----55---+----- Potri.019G077200.1 [Populus trichocarpa] (76) | /-------60------+ | | | | \----- SapurV1A.0945s0100.1.p [Salix purpurea] (99) | | | | | \-------------------- Manes.05G123600.1.p [Manihot esculenta] (34) | | | | /-------------------- Lj3g3v1981270.1 [Lotus japonicus] (7) | | | | | | /---------- Medtr3g005530.1 [Medicago truncatula] (37) | | /-97-+ | | | | | /-100+ /----- Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA21380 [Trifolium pratense] (94) | | | | | \-100+ /-93-+ | | \-100+ \----- Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA26373 [Trifolium pratense] (100) | | | | | | | | | \--------------- XP_004499566.1 [Cicer arietinum] (56) | | | /-100+ | | | | | /---------- Glyma.04G257100.1.p [Glycine max] (10) | | | | | | | | | | | /-74-+ /----- KHN20547.1 [Glycine soja] (31) | | | | | | \-76-+ | | | | | | \----- Glyma.06G324400.1.p [Glycine max] (75) | | /-55-+ | \----56---+ | | | | | | /----- Phvul.005G000900.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris] (36) | | | |--72-+ | | | | | | | \----91---+----- Vradi0368s00040.1 [Vigna radiata] (58) | | | | | | | | | | | \----- Vang0039ss00910.1 [Vigna angularis] (66) | | | | | | | | | | /----- XP_008219057.1 [Prunus mume] (13) | | | | | /-99-+ | | | | | | \----- Prupe.1G549600.1.p [Prunus persica] (87) | | | | \---------99--------+ | | | | | /----- Pbr000828.1 [Pyrus bretschneideri] (14) | | /-76-+ | \-100+ /-82-+ | | | | \----- MDP0000268317 [Malus domestica] (110) | | | | | | | | | | | | /----- XP_010101273.1 [Morus notabilis] (22) | | | | | |--------------91--------------+ | | | | | | \----- PK24532.1 [Cannabis sativa] (45) | | | | | | | | | | | \------------------------------------ mrna25070.1-v1.0-hybrid [Fragaria vesca] (35) | | \-100+ | | | | | /----- Lus10005302 [Linum usitatissimum] (40) | | | | /-100+ | | | | | \----- Lus10008264 [Linum usitatissimum] (65) | | | \--------------100-------------+ | | | \---------- Lus10009481 [Linum usitatissimum] (98) | | | | | | /----- MELO3C022209P1 [Cucumis melo] (15) | | \-------------------95-------------------+ | | \----- Cucsa.061700.1 [Cucumis sativus] (54) | | | | /----- Cucsa.212720.1 [Cucumis sativus] (20) | | /-100+ | | | \----- MELO3C002691P1 [Cucumis melo] (84) | \---------------------100---------------------+ | \---------- Cla019630 [Citrullus lanatus] (63) | | /--------------- mrna24852.1-v1.0-hybrid [Fragaria vesca] (4) | | | | /----- MDP0000324166 [Malus domestica] (29) | /-100+ /-100+ | | | | \----- Pbr039503.1 [Pyrus bretschneideri] (88) | | \-100+ | | | /----- MDP0000250080 [Malus domestica] (30) |-------------------100------------------+ \-100+ | | \----- Pbr000556.1 [Pyrus bretschneideri] (59) | | | | /----- XP_008225406.1 [Prunus mume] (53) | \------100-----+ | \----- Prupe.4G070500.1.p [Prunus persica] (79) | | /----- Glyma.13G223300.1.p [Glycine max] (8) | /-100+ | | \----- KHN47370.1 [Glycine soja] (57) | /-100+ --53-+ | | /----- KHN06927.1 [Glycine soja] (43) | | \-100+ | | \----- Glyma.15G088600.1.p [Glycine max] (49) | /-100+ | | | /---------- Phvul.006G169600.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris] (83) | | | | | | \-100+ /----- Vang03g02740.1 [Vigna angularis] (89) | /---100---+ \-100+ | | | \----- Vradi10g09690.1 [Vigna radiata] (95) | | | | | | /----- XP_012572503.1 [Cicer arietinum] (24) | | \------100-----+ | | \----- Medtr2g017865.1 [Medicago truncatula] (42) | | | | /----- Glyma.05G163200.1.p [Glycine max] (16) | | /---100---+ | | | \----- Glyma.08G120600.1.p [Glycine max] (32) | | | | | /-100+ /----- Vang0045ss00130.1 [Vigna angularis] (26) | | | | /-70-+ | | | | | \----- Vradi07g19770.1 [Vigna radiata] (91) | | | \-99-+ |--------------100-------------+ /-60-+ \---------- Phvul.002G243200.1 [Phaseolus vulgaris] (77) | | | | | | | | /--------------- Lj4g3v2628690.1 [Lotus japonicus] (27) | | | | | | | | \-55-+ /---------- XP_012572287.1 [Cicer arietinum] (47) | | | | | | |-64-+ \-100+ /----- Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA7003 [Trifolium pratense] (55) | | | \-100+ | | | \----- Medtr8g087860.1 [Medicago truncatula] (85) | | | | | | /----- Aradu.H2R03 [Arachis duranensis] (23) | | \--------100--------+ | | \----- Araip.BS71F [Arachis ipaensis] (64) | | | | /----- Araip.ATR02 [Arachis ipaensis] (44) | \-----------100----------+ | \----- Aradu.QZ653 [Arachis duranensis] (52) | | /---------- Cla009725 [Citrullus lanatus] (9) | | \------------------------100-----------------------+ /----- Cucsa.047280.1 [Cucumis sativus] (80) \-100+ \----- MELO3C007181P3 [Cucumis melo] (92) Root part of tree: /------------------------------------------------------------------ Manes.17G062000.1.p [Manihot esculenta] (1) | | /------------- CCG026750.1 [Populus euphratica] (2) | /-----100----+ | | \------------- Potri.004G064300.1 [Populus trichocarpa] (11) | /-----100-----+ | | \-------------------------- SapurV1A.0029s0080.1.p [Salix purpurea] (25) | | |-----------100-----------+ /------------- CCG011675.2 [Populus euphratica] (72) | | /-----100----+ + | | \------------- Potri.011G075800.1 [Populus trichocarpa] (82) | \-----100-----+ | \-------------------------- SapurV1A.0157s0170.1.p [Salix purpurea] (86) | | /---------------------------------------- (188) | | | | /------------- HL.SW.v1.0.G003237.1 [Humulus lupulus] (6) | /-----66-----+ /-----100----+ | | | | \------------- PK15717.1 [Cannabis sativa] (61) | | \-----100-----+ \-----97-----+ \-------------------------- XP_015876411.1 [Ziziphus jujuba] (33) | \----------------------------------------------------- Lus10029275 [Linum usitatissimum] (12) |