PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for OGEA7032
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      Subtree rooted at node 54:

                                                                    /----- XP_016506106.1 [Nicotiana tabacum]                   (2)
                                                          |         \----- XP_009597554.1 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis]           (29)
                                                    /-100-+    /---------- Niben101Scf01109g00006.1 [Nicotiana benthamiana]     (3)
                                                    |     |    |                      
                                                    |     \-100+    /----- XP_016446976.1 [Nicotiana tabacum]                   (20)
                                                    |          \-100+                 
                                     /------100-----+               \----- XP_009791786.1 [Nicotiana sylvestris]                (22)
                                     |              |                                 
                                     |              |               /----- Peinf101Scf01482g13028.1 [Petunia inflata]           (25)
                                     |              \------100------+                 
                                     |                              \----- Peaxi162Scf00300g00828.1 [Petunia axillaris]         (27)
                                     |                         /---------- Sopen03g022150.1 [Solanum pennellii]                 (4)
                                     |                         |                      
                                     |                    /-86-+    /----- Solyc03g082430.1.1 [Solanum lycopersicum]            (15)
                                /-100+                    |    \-100+                 
                                |    |                    |         \----- Sopim03g082430.0.1 [Solanum pimpinellifolium]        (30)
                                |    |              /-100-+                           
                                |    |              |     |         /----- Solyc08g068760.1.1 [Solanum lycopersicum]            (9)
                                |    |              |     \---100---+                 
                                |    |         /-100+               \----- Sopim08g068760.0.1 [Solanum pimpinellifolium]        (12)
                                |    |         |    |                                 
                           /-80-+    |    /-100+    \--------------------- PGSC0003DMP400005813 [Solanum tuberosum]             (14)
                           |    |    |    |    |                                      
                           |    |    \-100+    \-------------------------- Sme2.5_01402.1_g00013.1 [Solanum melongena]          (11)
                           |    |         |                                           
                           |    |         \------------------------------- CA03g21400 [Capsicum annuum]                         (28)
                     /--59-+    |                                                     
                     |     |    \----------------------------------------- Itr_sc000023.1_g00016.1 [Ipomoea trifida]            (7)
                     |     |                                                          
                     |     |                                        /----- cra_locus_10399_iso_2 [Catharanthus roseus]          (6)
                /-88-+     \-------------------100------------------+                 
                |    |                                              \----- Cc02_g00930 [Coffea canephora]                       (21)
                |    |                                                                
                |    |                                              /----- DCAR_008970 [Daucus carota]                          (5)
                |    \----------------------100---------------------+                 
           /-82-+                                                   \----- DCAR_020360 [Daucus carota]                          (26)
           |    |                                                                     
           |    |                                                   /----- 678425063 [Utricularia gibba]                        (10)
           |    |                                              /-100+                 
           |    |                                              |    \----- EPS73373.1 [Genlisea aurea]                          (18)
           |    \----------------------86----------------------+                      
      --87-+                                                   \---------- Migut.F00995.1.p [Mimulus guttatus]                  (24)
           |                                                        /----- SMil_00029269-RA_Salv [Salvia miltiorrhiza]          (8)
           |                                                   /-96-+                 
           |                                                   |    \----- EPS65941.1 [Genlisea aurea]                          (17)
                                                               \---------- Migut.F00160.1.p [Mimulus guttatus]                  (19)
      Root part of tree:

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- XP_011075906.1 [Sesamum indicum]                     (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- SMil_00020208-RA_Salv [Salvia miltiorrhiza]          (13)
      |                     /--------------------------------------------- (54)
      |                     |                                                         
      \----------87---------+                      /---------------------- XP_011084560.1 [Sesamum indicum]                     (16)
                                                   \---------------------- KZV40951.1 [Dorcoceras hygrometricum]                (23)