PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Transcription Factor Information
Basic Information | Signature Domain | Sequence | 
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TF ID AT1G66350.1
Common NameRGAL, RGL, RGL1, T27F4.10
Taxonomic ID
Taxonomic Lineage
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae; Camelineae; Arabidopsis
Family GRAS
Protein Properties Length: 511aa    MW: 56754.2 Da    PI: 5.4665
Description RGA-like 1
Gene Model
Gene Model ID Type Source Coding Sequence
AT1G66350.1genomeTAIRView CDS
Signature Domain? help Back to Top
Signature Domain
No. Domain Score E-value Start End HMM Start HMM End
         GRAS   1 lvelLlecAeavssgdlelaqalLarlselaspdgdpmqRlaayfteALaarlarsvselykalppsetseknsseelaalkl.fsevsPilkfshlt 97 
                  lv++Ll+cAeav++++l+la+al++++  las+++ +m+++a+yf+e+La+r++r    +y    p+++     s+    l++ f+e +P+lkf+h+t
                  689****************************************************....55....33332..233333334444************** PP

         GRAS  98 aNqaIleavegeervHiiDfdisqGlQWpaLlqaLasRpegppslRiTgvgspesgskeeleetgerLakfAeelgvpfefnvlvakrledleleeLr 195
                  aNqaIle ++++e+vH+iD+++++GlQWpaL+qaLa Rp+gpp +R+Tg+g     s + ++e+g++L ++A+++gv+fef+ ++ ++l+dl++e+L+
                  ****************************************************....9***************************************** PP

         GRAS 196 vkp.gEalaVnlvlqlhrlldesvsleserdevLklvkslsPkvvvvveqeadhnsesFlerflealeyysalfdsleaklpreseerikvErellgr 292
                  ++p  E++aVn+v++lhrll++++s+++    +L+++ks++P++++vveqea+hn++ Fl+rf+e+l+yys+lfdsle       ++++++++ +lgr
                  ***88***************99999999....*********************************************999....45556666677*** PP

         GRAS 293 eivnvvacegaerrerhetlekWrerleeaGFkpvplsekaakqaklllrkvk.sdgyrveeesgslvlgWkdrpLvsvSaWr 374
                  +i n+vaceg++r+erhetl++Wr+r++  GFkpv+++++a+kqa++ll+ ++  dgy+vee++g+l+lgW++rpL+++SaWr
                  **********************************************************************************8 PP

Protein Features ? help Back to Top
3D Structure
Database Entry ID E-value Start End InterPro ID Description
SMARTSM011293.4E-4032101No hitNo description
PfamPF120416.6E-323294IPR021914Transcriptional factor DELLA, N-terminal
PROSITE profilePS5098564.8126485IPR005202Transcription factor GRAS
PfamPF035142.3E-132152506IPR005202Transcription factor GRAS
Gene Ontology ? help Back to Top
GO Term GO Category GO Description
GO:0006355Biological Processregulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0009723Biological Processresponse to ethylene
GO:0009737Biological Processresponse to abscisic acid
GO:0009863Biological Processsalicylic acid mediated signaling pathway
GO:0009867Biological Processjasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway
GO:0009908Biological Processflower development
GO:0009938Biological Processnegative regulation of gibberellic acid mediated signaling pathway
GO:0010187Biological Processnegative regulation of seed germination
GO:0030154Biological Processcell differentiation
GO:0042538Biological Processhyperosmotic salinity response
GO:2000033Biological Processregulation of seed dormancy process
GO:2000377Biological Processregulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process
GO:0005634Cellular Componentnucleus
GO:0003700Molecular Functiontranscription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0043565Molecular Functionsequence-specific DNA binding
Plant Ontology ? help Back to Top
PO Term PO Category PO Description
PO:0000013anatomycauline leaf
PO:0000037anatomyshoot apex
PO:0000230anatomyinflorescence meristem
PO:0000293anatomyguard cell
PO:0008019anatomyleaf lamina base
PO:0009006anatomyshoot system
PO:0009009anatomyplant embryo
PO:0009025anatomyvascular leaf
PO:0009052anatomyflower pedicel
PO:0020003anatomyplant ovule
PO:0020137anatomyleaf apex
PO:0025022anatomycollective leaf structure
PO:0001054developmental stagevascular leaf senescent stage
PO:0001078developmental stageplant embryo cotyledonary stage
PO:0001081developmental stagemature plant embryo stage
PO:0001185developmental stageplant embryo globular stage
PO:0004507developmental stageplant embryo bilateral stage
PO:0007064developmental stageLP.12 twelve leaves visible stage
PO:0007095developmental stageLP.08 eight leaves visible stage
PO:0007098developmental stageLP.02 two leaves visible stage
PO:0007103developmental stageLP.10 ten leaves visible stage
PO:0007115developmental stageLP.04 four leaves visible stage
PO:0007123developmental stageLP.06 six leaves visible stage
PO:0007611developmental stagepetal differentiation and expansion stage
PO:0007616developmental stageflowering stage
Sequence ? help Back to Top
Protein Sequence    Length: 511 aa     Download sequence    Send to blast
3D Structure ? help Back to Top
PDB ID Evalue Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
5b3h_A4e-6614750513377Protein SCARECROW
5b3h_D4e-6614750513377Protein SCARECROW
Search in ModeBase
Expression -- UniGene ? help Back to Top
UniGene ID E-value Expressed in
At.264000.0floral meristem| flower| inflorescence
Expression -- Microarray ? help Back to Top
Source ID E-value
Expression AtlasAT1G66350-
Expression -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniprotTISSUE SPECIFICITY: Predominantly expressed in germinating seeds and flowers and siliques. Highly expressed in inflorescences and weakly or not expressed in rosette leaves, etiolated seedlings, siliques, mature stems and roots. RGA and GAI transcripts were detected at slightly varying levels in all tissues examined. RGL2 signal was undetected, and RGL3 signal was very weak in all tissues examined (rosette leaves, seedlings, inflorescences, and siliques) except inflorescences. In the flower, it is expressed in developing ovules as well as in developing anthers throughout microspore development. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11826301}.
Functional Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
TAIRNegative regulator of GA responses, member of GRAS family of transcription factors. Also belongs to the DELLA proteins that restrain the cell proliferation and expansion that drives plant growth. RGL1 may be involved in reducing ROS accumulation in response to stress by up-regulating the transcription of superoxide dismutases. Rapidly degraded in response to GA. Involved in flower and fruit development.
UniProtProbable transcriptional regulator that acts as a repressor of the gibberellin (GA) signaling pathway. No effect of the BOI proteins on its stability. Probably acts by participating in large multiprotein complexes that repress transcription of GA-inducible genes. Has overlapping but distinct roles in GA signaling compared to RGA and GAI. Regulates the floral development. May also participate in seed germination and in ovule and anther development. Its activity is probably regulated by other phytohormones such as auxin and ethylene. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11826301, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11877383, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12610625, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14615596, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14973286, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15128937, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16034591}.
Function -- GeneRIF ? help Back to Top
  1. Through transgenic modification, DELLA-less versions of GAI (gai) and RGL1 (rgl1) in a Populus tree have profound, dominant effects on phenotype, producing pleiotropic changes in morphology and metabolic profiles.
    [PMID: 16404575]
  2. Data documented that Lys-29 of ubiquitin is the major site for ubiquitin chain formation to mediate DELLA protein degradation that also required protein Ser/Thr dephosphorylation activity. The LZ domain is essential for both their stability and activity.
    [PMID: 19717618]
  3. The di- and tri-partite interactions of RGL1 with GID1A and SLY1 are reported.
    [PMID: 21323638]
  4. that RGL1 repressed the transcription activation function of WRKY45, thereby attenuating the expression of its regulon.
    [PMID: 28735023]
Cis-element ? help Back to Top
Regulation -- Description ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtINDUCTION: Not up-regulated upon GA treatment.
Regulation -- PlantRegMap ? help Back to Top
Source Upstream Regulator Target Gene
Regulation -- ATRM (Manually Curated Upstream Regulators) ? help Back to Top
Source Upstream Regulator (A: Activate/R: Repress)
ATRM AT2G20180 (R)
Regulation -- ATRM (Manually Curated Target Genes) ? help Back to Top
Source Target Gene (A: Activate/R: Repress)
ATRM AT2G41940(R)
Regulation -- Hormone ? help Back to Top
Source Hormone
AHDabscisic acid, ethylene, gibberellin
Interaction ? help Back to Top
Source Intact With
IntActSearch Q9C8Y3
Phenotype -- Disruption Phenotype ? help Back to Top
Source Description
UniProtDISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: Rga, gai, rgl1, rgl2 and rgl3 pentuple mutant displays constitutive GA responses even in the absence of GA treatment. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:23482857}.
Phenotype -- Mutation ? help Back to Top
Source ID
T-DNA ExpressAT1G66350
Annotation -- Nucleotide ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
GenBankAC0206650.0AC020665.6 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 BAC T27F4 genomic sequence, complete sequence.
GenBankAY0487490.0AY048749.1 Arabidopsis thaliana RGL1 protein mRNA, complete cds.
GenBankAY0700350.0AY070035.1 Arabidopsis thaliana putative gibberellin regulatory protein (At1g66350) mRNA, complete cds.
GenBankAY0965060.0AY096506.1 Arabidopsis thaliana putative gibberellin regulatory protein (At1g66350) mRNA, complete cds.
GenBankCP0026840.0CP002684.1 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 sequence.
GenBankGQ1777520.0GQ177752.1 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Mt-0 RGL1 gene, complete sequence.
GenBankGQ1777540.0GQ177754.1 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Oy-0 RGL1 gene, complete sequence.
Annotation -- Protein ? help Back to Top
Source Hit ID E-value Description
RefseqNP_176809.10.0RGA-like 1
SwissprotQ9C8Y30.0RGL1_ARATH; DELLA protein RGL1
STRINGAT1G66350.10.0(Arabidopsis thaliana)
Orthologous Group ? help Back to Top
LineageOrthologous Group IDTaxa NumberGene Number
Representative plantOGRP12511550
Publications ? help Back to Top
  1. Pysh LD,Wysocka-Diller JW,Camilleri C,Bouchez D,Benfey PN
    The GRAS gene family in Arabidopsis: sequence characterization and basic expression analysis of the SCARECROW-LIKE genes.
    Plant J., 1999. 18(1): p. 111-9
  2. Riechmann JL, et al.
    Arabidopsis transcription factors: genome-wide comparative analysis among eukaryotes.
    Science, 2000. 290(5499): p. 2105-10
  3. Eckardt NA
    Foolish seedlings and DELLA regulators: the functions of rice SLR1 and Arabidopsis RGL1 in GA signal transduction.
    Plant Cell, 2002. 14(1): p. 1-5
  4. Wen CK,Chang C
    Arabidopsis RGL1 encodes a negative regulator of gibberellin responses.
    Plant Cell, 2002. 14(1): p. 87-100
  5. Lee S, et al.
    Gibberellin regulates Arabidopsis seed germination via RGL2, a GAI/RGA-like gene whose expression is up-regulated following imbibition.
    Genes Dev., 2002. 16(5): p. 646-58
  6. Peng J,Harberd NP
    The role of GA-mediated signalling in the control of seed germination.
    Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 2002. 5(5): p. 376-81
  7. Fleck B,Harberd NP
    Evidence that the Arabidopsis nuclear gibberellin signalling protein GAI is not destabilised by gibberellin.
    Plant J., 2002. 32(6): p. 935-47
  8. Fu X,Harberd NP
    Auxin promotes Arabidopsis root growth by modulating gibberellin response.
    Nature, 2003. 421(6924): p. 740-3
  9. Yamada K, et al.
    Empirical analysis of transcriptional activity in the Arabidopsis genome.
    Science, 2003. 302(5646): p. 842-6
  10. Achard P,Vriezen WH,Van Der Straeten D,Harberd NP
    Ethylene regulates arabidopsis development via the modulation of DELLA protein growth repressor function.
    Plant Cell, 2003. 15(12): p. 2816-25
  11. Cheng H, et al.
    Gibberellin regulates Arabidopsis floral development via suppression of DELLA protein function.
    Development, 2004. 131(5): p. 1055-64
  12. Yu H, et al.
    Floral homeotic genes are targets of gibberellin signaling in flower development.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2004. 101(20): p. 7827-32
  13. Tyler L, et al.
    Della proteins and gibberellin-regulated seed germination and floral development in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Physiol., 2004. 135(2): p. 1008-19
  14. Cao D,Hussain A,Cheng H,Peng J
    Loss of function of four DELLA genes leads to light- and gibberellin-independent seed germination in Arabidopsis.
    Planta, 2005. 223(1): p. 105-13
  15. Achard P, et al.
    Integration of plant responses to environmentally activated phytohormonal signals.
    Science, 2006. 311(5757): p. 91-4
  16. Busov V, et al.
    Transgenic modification of gai or rgl1 causes dwarfing and alters gibberellins, root growth, and metabolite profiles in Populus.
    Planta, 2006. 224(2): p. 288-99
  17. Nakajima M, et al.
    Identification and characterization of Arabidopsis gibberellin receptors.
    Plant J., 2006. 46(5): p. 880-9
  18. Hussain A,Cao D,Peng J
    Identification of conserved tyrosine residues important for gibberellin sensitivity of Arabidopsis RGL2 protein.
    Planta, 2007. 226(2): p. 475-83
  19. Gan Y,Yu H,Peng J,Broun P
    Genetic and molecular regulation by DELLA proteins of trichome development in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Physiol., 2007. 145(3): p. 1031-42
  20. Feng S, et al.
    Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and gibberellins.
    Nature, 2008. 451(7177): p. 475-9
  21. Achard P,Renou JP,Berthomé R,Harberd NP,Genschik P
    Plant DELLAs restrain growth and promote survival of adversity by reducing the levels of reactive oxygen species.
    Curr. Biol., 2008. 18(9): p. 656-60
  22. Navarro L, et al.
    DELLAs control plant immune responses by modulating the balance of jasmonic acid and salicylic acid signaling.
    Curr. Biol., 2008. 18(9): p. 650-5
  23. Maymon I, et al.
    Cytosolic activity of SPINDLY implies the existence of a DELLA-independent gibberellin-response pathway.
    Plant J., 2009. 58(6): p. 979-88
  24. Oh E, et al.
    Genome-wide analysis of genes targeted by PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3-LIKE5 during seed germination in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Cell, 2009. 21(2): p. 403-19
  25. Suzuki H, et al.
    Differential expression and affinities of Arabidopsis gibberellin receptors can explain variation in phenotypes of multiple knock-out mutants.
    Plant J., 2009. 60(1): p. 48-55
  26. Wang F, et al.
    Biochemical insights on degradation of Arabidopsis DELLA proteins gained from a cell-free assay system.
    Plant Cell, 2009. 21(8): p. 2378-90
  27. Hou X,Lee LY,Xia K,Yan Y,Yu H
    DELLAs modulate jasmonate signaling via competitive binding to JAZs.
    Dev. Cell, 2010. 19(6): p. 884-94
  28. Sheerin DJ, et al.
    Inter- and intra-molecular interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana DELLA protein RGL1.
    Biochem. J., 2011. 435(3): p. 629-39
  29. Josse EM, et al.
    A DELLA in disguise: SPATULA restrains the growth of the developing Arabidopsis seedling.
    Plant Cell, 2011. 23(4): p. 1337-51
  30. Feurtado JA, et al.
    The Arabidopsis C2H2 zinc finger INDETERMINATE DOMAIN1/ENHYDROUS promotes the transition to germination by regulating light and hormonal signaling during seed maturation.
    Plant Cell, 2011. 23(5): p. 1772-94
  31. Hong GJ,Xue XY,Mao YB,Wang LJ,Chen XY
    Arabidopsis MYC2 interacts with DELLA proteins in regulating sesquiterpene synthase gene expression.
    Plant Cell, 2012. 24(6): p. 2635-48
  32. Li QF, et al.
    An interaction between BZR1 and DELLAs mediates direct signaling crosstalk between brassinosteroids and gibberellins in Arabidopsis.
    Sci Signal, 2012. 5(244): p. ra72
  33. Park J,Nguyen KT,Park E,Jeon JS,Choi G
    DELLA proteins and their interacting RING Finger proteins repress gibberellin responses by binding to the promoters of a subset of gibberellin-responsive genes in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Cell, 2013. 25(3): p. 927-43
  34. Luo J, et al.
    A DELLA gene, RhGAI1, is a direct target of EIN3 and mediates ethylene-regulated rose petal cell expansion via repressing the expression of RhCesA2.
    J. Exp. Bot., 2013. 64(16): p. 5075-84
  35. Ding Y, et al.
    Four distinct types of dehydration stress memory genes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    BMC Plant Biol., 2013. 13: p. 229
  36. Yan A, et al.
    AtEXP2 is involved in seed germination and abiotic stress response in Arabidopsis.
    PLoS ONE, 2014. 9(1): p. e85208
  37. Gallego-Giraldo C, et al.
    Role of the gibberellin receptors GID1 during fruit-set in Arabidopsis.
    Plant J., 2014. 79(6): p. 1020-1032
  38. Fukazawa J, et al.
    DELLAs function as coactivators of GAI-ASSOCIATED FACTOR1 in regulation of gibberellin homeostasis and signaling in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Cell, 2014. 26(7): p. 2920-38
  39. Hou X, et al.
    Nuclear factor Y-mediated H3K27me3 demethylation of the SOC1 locus orchestrates flowering responses of Arabidopsis.
    Nat Commun, 2014. 5: p. 4601
  40. Davi
    Class I TCP-DELLA interactions in inflorescence shoot apex determine plant height.
    Curr. Biol., 2014. 24(16): p. 1923-8
  41. Jin J, et al.
    An Arabidopsis Transcriptional Regulatory Map Reveals Distinct Functional and Evolutionary Features of Novel Transcription Factors.
    Mol. Biol. Evol., 2015. 32(7): p. 1767-73
  42. Shahnejat-Bushehri S,Tarkowska D,Sakuraba Y,Balazadeh S
    Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor JUB1 regulates GA/BR metabolism and signalling.
    Nat Plants, 2016. 2: p. 16013
  43. Li W,Wang H,Yu D
    Arabidopsis WRKY Transcription Factors WRKY12 and WRKY13 Oppositely Regulate Flowering under Short-Day Conditions.
    Mol Plant, 2016. 9(11): p. 1492-1503
  44. Li Y,Wang H,Li X,Liang G,Yu D
    Two DELLA-interacting proteins bHLH48 and bHLH60 regulate flowering under long-day conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    J. Exp. Bot., 2017. 68(11): p. 2757-2767
  45. Chen L,Xiang S,Chen Y,Li D,Yu D
    Arabidopsis WRKY45 Interacts with the DELLA Protein RGL1 to Positively Regulate Age-Triggered Leaf Senescence.
    Mol Plant, 2017. 10(9): p. 1174-1189
  46. Zhang L,Chen L,Yu D
    Transcription Factor WRKY75 Interacts with DELLA Proteins to Affect Flowering.
    Plant Physiol., 2018. 176(1): p. 790-803