PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Utricularia gibba
GRF Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 678359487/86-130  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678359428/86-130  (2)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678418693/143-187 (8)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678418709/103-147 (11)
      |                                                 /----------------- 678446589/173-217 (4)
      |                                                 |                             
      |                                 /-------99------+----------------- 678422623/240-284 (5)
      |                                 |               |                             
      +                                 |               \----------------- 678402298/184-228 (9)
      |                /-------61-------+                                             
      |                |                |               /----------------- 678449379/109-153 (6)
      |                |                \-------99------+                             
      |-------100------+                                \----------------- 678391273/90-134  (13)
      |                |                                                              
      |                |                                /----------------- 678425063/158-199 (7)
      |                \---------------100--------------+                             
      |                                                 \----------------- 678399706/199-242 (12)
      |                                                 /----------------- 678444851/100-143 (3)
                                                        \----------------- 678392530/76-119  (10)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 678446589 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 678402298 (3)
      |                                               /------------------- 678418709 (2)
      |                                               |                               
      |                                     /----61---+        /---------- 678418693 (6)
      |                                     |         \---100--+                      
      |                            /---100--+                  \---------- 678359428 (13)
      |                            |        |                                         
      |                            |        \----------------------------- 678359487 (10)
      +                  /---100---+                                                  
      |                  |         |                           /---------- 678392530 (7)
      |                  |         \------------100------------+                      
      |                  |                                     \---------- 678444851 (8)
      |                  |                                                            
      |                  |                                     /---------- 678449379 (4)
      |         /---100--+-----------------100-----------------+                      
      |         |        |                                     \---------- 678391273 (11)
      |         |        |                                                            
      |         |        |------------------------------------------------ 678399706 (9)
      \---100---+        |                                                            
                |        \------------------------------------------------ 678425063 (12)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- 678422623 (5)