PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Sisymbrium irio
Nin-like Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 676762766/667-717 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 676754958/567-617 (14)
      |                                                        /---------- 676751678/120-170 (2)
      |                                               /---95---+                      
      |                                               |        \---------- 676752124/166-215 (11)
      |                                     /----97---+                               
      |                                     |         \------------------- 676725256/120-170 (3)
      |                            /---100--+                                         
      |                            |        \----------------------------- 676721350/213-262 (13)
      +                  /---100---+                                                  
      |                  |         \-------------------------------------- 676789228/327-377 (4)
      |                  |                                                            
      |                  |                                     /---------- 676777966/644-694 (5)
      |                  |------------------82-----------------+                      
      |         /---68---+                                     \---------- 676721284/651-701 (8)
      |         |        |                                                            
      |         |        |------------------------------------------------ 676712676/559-609 (6)
      |         |        |                                                            
      |         |        |                                     /---------- 676758308/467-518 (9)
      \----99---+        \------------------64-----------------+                      
                |                                              \---------- 676741406/550-601 (10)
                |--------------------------------------------------------- 676756758/588-638 (7)
                \--------------------------------------------------------- 676769024/547-597 (12)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- 676754958 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- 676762766 (14)
      |                                                       /----------- 676756758 (2)
      |          /---------------------100--------------------+                       
      |          |                                            \----------- 676769024 (12)
      +          |                                                                    
      |          |                                            /----------- 676752124 (3)
      |          |                                 /----99----+                       
      |          |                                 |          \----------- 676751678 (10)
      |          |                      /----99----+                                  
      |          |                      |          \---------------------- 676725256 (11)
      |          |          /-----99----+                                             
      \----99----+          |           \--------------------------------- 676721350 (7)
                 |          \--------------------------------------------- 676789228 (6)
                 |                                            /----------- 676712676 (4)
                 |                      /---------100---------+                       
                 |                      |                     \----------- 676741406 (9)
                 |                      |                                             
                 \----------100---------+          /---------------------- 676758308 (5)
                                        |          |                                  
                                        \----100---+          /----------- 676721284 (8)
                                                              \----------- 676777966 (13)