PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Phyllostachys heterocycla
E2F/DP Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PH01001325G0370/115-175 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- PH01000705G0580/124-185 (6)
      |                                 /--------------------------------- PH01001688G0260/130-195 (2)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |                        /-------- PH01004826G0040/116-207 (3)
      |                                 |               /---100--+                    
      |                        /---99---+               |        \-------- PH01001390G0020/112-171 (7)
      |                        |        |       /---73--+                             
      +                        |        |       |       |        /-------- PH01003957G0030/141-206 (5)
      |                        |        |       |       \---93---+                    
      |                        |        \---84--+                \-------- PH01002448G0160/87-152  (9)
      |                /--100--+                |                                     
      |                |       |                \------------------------- PH01001918G0120/95-158  (12)
      |                |       |                                                      
      |                |       |                                 /-------- PH01000567G0450/17-83   (8)
      |       /---91---+       \----------------88---------------+                    
      |       |        |                                         \-------- PH01000567G0450/158-238 (10)
      |       |        |                                                              
      \---63--+        \-------------------------------------------------- PH01002896G0090/82-140  (11)
              \----------------------------------------------------------- PH01000010G3150/123-220 (4)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PH01002896G0090 (1)
      |                                                       /----------- PH01000010G3150 (3)
      |                                            /----100---+                       
      |                                            |          \----------- PH01000705G0580 (9)
      |                                            \---------------------- PH01001325G0370 (6)
      |                                            /---------------------- PH01001918G0120 (2)
      +                                            |                                  
      |                                 /----100---+          /----------- PH01002448G0160 (8)
      |                                 |          \----100---+                       
      |                                 |                     \----------- PH01003957G0030 (10)
      |                     /-----55----+                                             
      |                     |           |                     /----------- PH01004826G0040 (7)
      |                     |           \----------98---------+                       
      |          /----100---+                                 \----------- PH01001390G0020 (11)
      |          |          |                                                         
      \----95----+          \--------------------------------------------- PH01001688G0260 (4)
                 \-------------------------------------------------------- PH01000567G0450 (5)