PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Cannabis sativa
ARF Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PK12669.1/113-213 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- PK04762.1/139-240 (11)
      |                                                          /-------- PK07904.1/164-265 (2)
      |                        /---------------100---------------+                    
      |                        |                                 \-------- PK18282.1/162-263 (9)
      |                        |                                                      
      |                        |                                 /-------- PK13064.1/120-221 (3)
      |                        |                        /---71---+                    
      +                /--100--+                        |        \-------- PK13393.1/119-220 (6)
      |                |       |                /--100--+                             
      |                |       |                |       \----------------- PK17007.1/120-221 (5)
      |                |       |        /--100--+                                     
      |                |       |        |       \------------------------- PK10136.1/144-243 (10)
      |       /---95---+       \---93---+                                             
      |       |        |                |                        /-------- PK27862.1/132-233 (4)
      |       |        |                \-----------100----------+                    
      |       |        |                                         \-------- PK17611.1/126-227 (7)
      \---82--+        |                                                              
              |        \-------------------------------------------------- PK16974.1/150-251 (12)
              |                                                  /-------- PK02218.1/127-228 (8)
                                                                 \-------- PK07332.1/126-226 (13)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- PK07332.1 (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- PK02218.1 (7)
      |                     /--------------------------------------------- PK04762.1 (2)
      |                     |                                                         
      |                     |                                     /------- PK27862.1 (3)
      |                     |              /----------100---------+                   
      |                     |              |                      \------- PK17611.1 (8)
      |                     |              |                                          
      +              /--100-+              |                      /------- PK17007.1 (9)
      |              |      |       /--100-+              /---98--+                   
      |              |      |       |      |              |       \------- PK13393.1 (10)
      |              |      |       |      |       /--99--+                           
      |              |      |       |      |       |      \--------------- PK13064.1 (12)
      |              |      \--100--+      \--100--+                                  
      |      /--100--+              |              \---------------------- PK10136.1 (11)
      |      |       |              |                                                 
      |      |       |              |                             /------- PK07904.1 (4)
      |      |       |              \-------------100-------------+                   
      \--100-+       |                                            \------- PK18282.1 (13)
             |       |                                                                
             |       \---------------------------------------------------- PK16974.1 (6)
             \------------------------------------------------------------ PK12669.1 (5)