PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Cucumis melo
CO-like Family
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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C011317P1/46-91  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C004050P1/57-99  (7)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C018930P1/20-63  (11)
      |                                                     /------------- MELO3C017304P1/7-49   (2)
      |                          /------------100-----------+                         
      |                          |                          \------------- MELO3C011576P1/16-58  (5)
      |                          |                                                    
      |                          |                          /------------- MELO3C011317P1/4-36   (3)
      |                          |            /------99-----+                         
      |                          |            |             \------------- MELO3C004050P1/16-54  (8)
      |            /------61-----+-----57-----+                                       
      |            |             |            |             /------------- MELO3C017501P1/15-55  (6)
      +            |             |            \------98-----+                         
      |            |             |                          \------------- MELO3C017500P1/21-61  (12)
      |            |             |                                                    
      |            |             |                          /------------- MELO3C025940P1/47-90  (9)
      |-----99-----+             \------------100-----------+                         
      |            |                                        \------------- MELO3C017755P1/54-99  (16)
      |            |                                                                  
      |            |                                        /------------- MELO3C025940P1/4-45   (4)
      |            |                          /------69-----+                         
      |            |                          |             \------------- MELO3C024179P1/4-44   (15)
      |            \------------93------------+                                       
      |                                       \--------------------------- MELO3C017755P1/13-51  (14)
      |                                                     /------------- MELO3C017500P1/63-108 (10)
                                                            \------------- MELO3C017501P1/57-102 (13)

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      /------------------------------------------------------------------- MELO3C017755P1 (1)
      |                                                 /----------------- MELO3C025940P1 (2)
      |                                                 \----------------- MELO3C024179P1 (10)
      |                                                 /----------------- MELO3C018930P1 (3)
      |                                 /-------76------+                             
      +                                 |               \----------------- MELO3C011317P1 (6)
      |                                 |                                             
      |                                 |               /----------------- MELO3C017500P1 (4)
      |                /-------56-------+------100------+                             
      |                |                |               \----------------- MELO3C017501P1 (7)
      |                |                |                                             
      |                |                |               /----------------- MELO3C017304P1 (5)
      \-------100------+                \------100------+                             
                       |                                \----------------- MELO3C011576P1 (8)
                       \-------------------------------------------------- MELO3C004050P1 (9)