PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Phylogenetic Tree for
Arabidopsis halleri
TCP Family
Phylogenetic tree for domain ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Araha.47358s0002.1.p/13-147  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Araha.1504s0001.1.p/23-81    (9)
      |                                                        /---------- Araha.0769s0003.1.p/82-225   (2)
      |                                                        |                      
      |                  /------------------59-----------------+---------- Araha.15314s0001.1.p/147-311 (6)
      |                  |                                     |                      
      |                  |                                     \---------- Araha.9247s0001.1.p/110-237  (11)
      +                  |                                                            
      |                  |                  /----------------------------- Araha.6346s0001.1.p/48-171   (4)
      |         /---100--+                  |                                         
      |         |        |                  |                  /---------- Araha.15705s0010.1.p/62-173  (8)
      |         |        |         /---97---+         /---100--+                      
      |         |        |         |        |         |        \---------- Araha.31158s0001.1.p/42-111  (16)
      |         |        |         |        \---100---+                               
      |         |        \----97---+                  \------------------- Araha.15447s0008.1.p/73-201  (15)
      |         |                  |                                                  
      \----61---+                  \-------------------------------------- Araha.7828s0002.1.p/26-135   (10)
                |                  /-------------------------------------- Araha.31350s0003.1.p/36-133  (3)
                |                  |                                                  
                |                  |                  /------------------- Araha.19277s0002.1.p/52-124  (5)
                |                  |                  |                               
                \--------92--------+        /----51---+        /---------- Araha.10539s0002.1.p/34-123  (7)
                                   |        |         |        |                      
                                   |        |         \---56---+---------- Araha.15691s0008.1.p/47-173  (13)
                                   \---66---+                  |                      
                                            |                  \---------- Araha.17269s0001.1.p/72-155  (14)
                                            \----------------------------- Araha.9462s0010.1.p/30-136   (12)

Phylogenetic tree for protein ? help Back to Top

      /------------------------------------------------------------------- Araha.9247s0001.1.p  (1)
      |------------------------------------------------------------------- Araha.15314s0001.1.p (10)
      |                                                          /-------- Araha.31350s0003.1.p (2)
      |                                         /-------100------+                    
      |                                         |                \-------- Araha.17269s0001.1.p (13)
      |                                         |                                     
      |                                 /---93--+                /-------- Araha.47358s0002.1.p (11)
      |                                 |       |       /---100--+                    
      |                                 |       |       |        \-------- Araha.1504s0001.1.p  (16)
      |                        /---74---+       \---74--+                             
      |                        |        |               \----------------- Araha.10539s0002.1.p (14)
      +                        |        |                                             
      |                        |        \--------------------------------- Araha.15691s0008.1.p (15)
      |                /--100--+                                                      
      |                |       |------------------------------------------ Araha.9462s0010.1.p  (8)
      |                |       |                                                      
      |                |       \------------------------------------------ Araha.19277s0002.1.p (9)
      |                |                                                              
      |       /---100--+                /--------------------------------- Araha.7828s0002.1.p  (3)
      |       |        |                |                                             
      |       |        |                |                        /-------- Araha.31158s0001.1.p (4)
      |       |        |                |               /---100--+                    
      |       |        \-------76-------+               |        \-------- Araha.15705s0010.1.p (5)
      \---75--+                         |       /---97--+                             
              |                         |       |       \----------------- Araha.15447s0008.1.p (6)
              |                         \---97--+                                     
              |                                 \------------------------- Araha.6346s0001.1.p  (7)
              \----------------------------------------------------------- Araha.0769s0003.1.p  (12)