PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB v5.0
Plant Transcription Factor Database
Beta vulgaris
NAC Family
Species TF ID Description
Bv1_001030_strk.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_001950_ekgh.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_002240_rapp.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_011210_zihs.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_011220_zfhk.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_014170_yzgr.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_022030_ueac.t1NAC family protein
Bv1_022030_ueac.t2NAC family protein
Bv2_032870_nige.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_035010_gcaa.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_040580_mnyx.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_046230_sgnn.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_046650_xzdt.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_046950_hasi.t1NAC family protein
Bv2_047470_qmgy.t1NAC family protein
Bv3_050780_usim.t1NAC family protein
Bv3_056020_uozo.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_078190_hzcx.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_079110_tgus.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_086610_cugw.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_087410_qejj.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_087440_twas.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_093610_xiqu.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_093720_guiw.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_095900_twpc.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_096620_mhnx.t1NAC family protein
Bv4_096650_oxms.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_097990_fpfn.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_097990_fpfn.t2NAC family protein
Bv5_104170_xrgj.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_106480_gzwx.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_114130_gzxk.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_114390_pjnp.t1NAC family protein
Bv5_121330_zrdc.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_129910_cmip.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_132760_wkcm.t2NAC family protein
Bv6_132770_wshi.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_136600_detz.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_136620_pzjj.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_145550_jkxz.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_150040_hdfh.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_153540_qoyx.t1NAC family protein
Bv6_155570_rpmu.t1NAC family protein
Bv7_159010_tzwj.t1NAC family protein
Bv7_179460_yqtj.t1NAC family protein
Bv8_182450_hisu.t1NAC family protein
Bv8_184020_pfso.t1NAC family protein
Bv8_190180_ktgn.t1NAC family protein
Bv8_197850_tdfd.t1NAC family protein
Bv8_197850_tdfd.t2NAC family protein
Bv8_199060_znkf.t1NAC family protein
Bv9_203240_qoku.t1NAC family protein
Bv9_209530_aktr.t1NAC family protein
Bv9_209530_aktr.t2NAC family protein
Bv9_212910_kjzy.t1NAC family protein
Bv9_214490_ofji.t1NAC family protein
Bv_000470_dyzk.t1NAC family protein
Bv_000470_dyzk.t2NAC family protein
Bv_000470_dyzk.t3NAC family protein
NAC Family Introduction

NAM, ATAF, and CUC (NAC) transcription factors comprise a large protein family. Proteins of this family contain a highly conserved N-terminal DNA-binding domain and a variable C-terminal domain (Xie et al. 2000; Duval et al. 2002; Ernst et al. 2004; Olsen et al. 2005). NAC was originally derived from the names of three proteins, no apical meristem (NAM), ATAF1-2, and CUC2 (cup-shaped cotyledon), that contain a similar DNA-binding domain (Souer et al. 1996; Aida et al. 1997). The early reported NAC transcription factors are implicated in various aspects of plant development. A few examples are NAM from Petunia (Souer et al. 1996) and CUC1-2 (Aida et al. 1997) from Arabidopsis which have roles in controlling the formation of boundary cells of the meristem; NAP (Sablowski and Meyerowitz 1998) from Arabidopsis which acts as a target gene of AP3/PI and functions in the transition between cell division and cell expansion in stamens and petals; and AtNAC1 which mediates auxin signaling to promote lateral root development (Xie et al. 2000). Recently, a few NAC transcription factors were reported to play an essential role in regulating senescence, cell division, and wood formation (Ishida et al. 2000; Takada et al. 2001; Vroemen et al. 2003; Weir et al. 2004; Kubo et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2006; Zhong et al. 2006; Demura and Fukuda 2007; Ko et al. 2007; Mitsuda et al. 2007; Zhong et al. 2007).

NAM, ATAF, and CUC proteins were also found to participate in plant responses to pathogens, viral infections, and environmental stimuli (Xie et al. 1999; Ren et al. 2000; Collinge and Boller 2001; Kim et al. 2007). In Arabidopsis, three NAC genes, ANAC019, ANAC055, and ANAC072, were induced by drought, salinity, and/or low temperature (Tran et al. 2004), and the transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing these genes showed improved stress tolerance compared to the wild type (Tran et al. 2004). Furthermore, proteins of these genes can bind to a ciselement containing CATGTG motif (Tran et al. 2004).

Fang Y, You J, Xie K, Xie W, Xiong L.
Systematic sequence analysis and identification of tissue-specific or stress-responsive genes of NAC transcription factor family in rice.
Mol Genet Genomics, 2008. 280(6): p. 547-63.
PMID: 18813954